
A playground project for Xamarin.Forms Shell navigation and other techniques

Primary LanguageC#

Shell Playground

A Xamarin.Forms app using Shell navigation that serves as a playground for testing things out.

Sticky Header in ScrollView

In the ScrollPage.xaml and its code-behind Scrollpage.xaml.cs we enable a parallax-like effect of a label that sticks to the top of the visible page.

Example animated gif of an iPhone app showing a page with an image of a car with a yellow bar with the words hello under it, and significant Lorem ipsum text under it. The car scrolls off screen with the yellow bar until the top of the screen where it sticks in place and the Lorem ipsum text continues to scroll

Using a grid, we place a Label over the contents of a scroll view. The label should sit over the top of the image at the beginning of the scroll view. When the image first loads, we calculate its height, subtract the height of our label, and that difference becomes the top margin of the label, and a guideline point. Separately, we listen for any changes to the scroll view's vertical scroll position. As it's scrolled, we move the header along with it, unless it's less than the top guideline value we saved earler, in which we just leave it positioned at that point.