
The Project

See this paper for a thorough description of Blursense.


At this point in time blursense is only made up of an XMLRPC implemented in the repy sandbox. The server uses repy 2 to listen for sensor requests. Once a request has been made, the server will determine how it wants to serve back the data. This could range from slightly modifying the actual sensor's data to returning nothing to returning the original data.


NOTE: These instructions will only work on *nix systems!

  1. Install 'Seattle Testbed' from the Google Play Store onto your android device.

  2. Download the sensibility testbed on an Android device. The link should lead you through the installation process and should provide you with some methods of playing with the testbed. Once you've got your fill remain in your seash session for the following steps.

  3. Clone this repository into your seattle-demokit directory.

    seattle_demokit$ git clone
  4. Now back in your seash upload the following repy scripts to your android device (the prompt has been omitted for copy-and-paste convenience).

    upload Blursense/src/battery.repy
    upload Blursense/src/blurserver.repy
    upload Blursense/src/sampleblur.repy
    upload waitforconn.repy
    upload xmlparse.repy
    upload xmlrpc_server_custom.repy
    upload xmlrpc_server.repy
    upload xmlrpc_common.repy
    upload base64.repy
    upload urllib.repy
    upload sensibility/sensorutil.repy
  5. Start the server!

    example@%1 !> startv2 dylink.repy sampleblur.repy
  6. To test the server we'll have to get onto the device. Hook up your android device and cd into the Blursense/testing.

  7. Push both the files in this directory onto the android device using adb.

    testing$ adb push * /data/local/tmp
  8. Launch a shell onto the device and cd into /data/local/tmp.

    testing$ adb shell
    shell@android $ cd /data/local/tmp
  9. Source to setup your shell's environment.

    shell@android:data/local/tmp $ . ./
  10. Read off the port the XMLRPC server bound to with show log in your seash session. Next run with that port as an argument.

    shell@android:data/local/tmp $ python <port>
  11. Appreciate your current battery health.