
Add custom parallax to your apps in just a few small steps

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Add custom parallax to your apps in just a few small steps:

  1. Add CoreMotion to your project
  2. ImportNTParallaxStackController.h to your target view controller's header
  3. Create an NTParallaxStackController as a property
  4. Instantiate the NTParallaxStackController
  5. Add the NTParallaxStackController to your target view controller
  6. Add NTParallaxLayers to the NTParallaxStackController
    1. Update your frame of reference and display your view (by posting a notification called @"resetFrame")
  • You can have as many NTParallaxStackControllers as you want.
  • Each NTParallaxStackController can have as many NTParallaxLayers as you need.

(Follow me on Twitter @nicktitle)

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This software is provided without any warantee or guarantees of any sort. If you use this library in your works, I only ask that you provide a link to this github repo so others can find it too!