
An MQTT interface and async Client for Pixelblaze devices

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python library that presents a simple, asynchronous interface for communicating with and controlling one or more Pixelblaze LED controllers. Requires Python 3.6 and the aiohttp and paho-mqtt modules.

You need to be familiar with async programming and asyncio to use this as a library.

You can, however just use it as a stand alone MQTT interface, it is self contained if used this way.
See Pixelblaze Usage

Primarity intended for providing an MQTT interface to a Pixelblaze, MQTT support is built in.

Can also be used as a stand alone async client for pixelblaze devices, without MQTT support enabled.

The package to import is pixelblaze_async.


Many thanks to JEM (ZRanger1) who was the inspiration for this library.
See https://github.com/zranger1/pixelblaze-client for the original.

Current Version: v1.0.0

Support for Pixelblaze's updated internal pattern sequencer.

Support for starting the sequencer in either playlist or shuffle mode, and pausing and unpausing. See API docs for startSequencer(), pauseSequencer() and playSequencer() below.


Python 3.6-3.8 (written and tested on 3.6.9, and 3.8.5)

Known Issues

Having the web page open and using the Webocket at the same time can cause issues. You will see a lot of updates if the web page is open (the web page gets preview frames from the websocket).
The updates can be disabled on the web page - but I advise not running the websocket with the web page open.


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/NickWaterton/Pixelblaze-Async.git
cd Pixelblaze-Async

Pixelblaze-Async consists of several files:
PixelblazeClient, PixelblazeBase, PixelblazeEnumerator, LZString and utils in the pixelblaze_async directory from this repository.
You can copy them into your project directory and use:

from PixelblazeClient import PixelblazeClient
from PixelblazeEnumerator import PixelblazeEnumerator

Depending on which class you want to use (or both). You can also install the module, by entering:

./setup.py install

from the top level dirrectory. This will install the modules as pixelblaze_async. You then import the modules using:

from pixelblaze_async.PixelblazeClient import PixelblazeClient
from pixelblaze_async.PixelblazeEnumerator import PixelblazeEnumerator

Sample code illustrating usage is provided in the examples directory. The examples assume that the module has been installed or are in the same directory as the examples.

Pixelblaze Usage

Just run ./pixelblaze.py to see the options:

usage: pixelblaze.py [-h] [-t TOPIC] [-T FEEDBACK] [-b BROKER] [-p PORT]
                     [-U USER] [-P PASSWORD] [-poll POLL_INTERVAL] [-l LOG]
                     [-J] [-D] [--version]

Forward MQTT data to Pixelblaze controller

positional arguments:
  pixelblaze_ip         ipaddress of pixelblaze controller (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
                        MQTT Topic to send commands to, (can use # and +)
                        default: /pixelblaze/command)
  -T FEEDBACK, --feedback FEEDBACK
                        Topic on broker to publish feedback to (default:
  -b BROKER, --broker BROKER
                        ipaddress of MQTT broker (default: None)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  MQTT broker port number (default: 1883)
  -U USER, --user USER  MQTT broker user name (default: None)
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        MQTT broker password (default: None)
  -poll POLL_INTERVAL, --poll_interval POLL_INTERVAL
                        Polling interval (0=off) (default: 0)
  -l LOG, --log LOG     path/name of log file (default: ./pixelblaze.log)
  -J, --json_out        publish topics as json (vs individual topics)
                        (default: True)
  -D, --debug           debug mode
  --version             Display version of this program

How to use with MQTT

you should subscribe to the topic given in the constructor as pubtopic (eg /pixelblaze/feedback/#, or /pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/# for a single pixelblaze). All updates will be posted to this base topic.
The topic will be followed by the pixelblaze name (eg Pixelblaze_F8BD97 ). Results of commands will also be followed by the command name. Genaral updates will have update at the end of the topic.


/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/update {"name":"Pixelblaze_F8BD97","brandName":"","pixelCount":60,"brightness":1,"maxBrightness":100,"colorOrder":"BGR","dataSpeed":2000000,"ledType":1,"sequenceTimer":15,"sequencerMode":0,"runSequencer":false,"simpleUiMode":false,"discoveryEnable":true,"timezone":"America/Toronto","autoOffEnable":false,"autoOffStart":"00:00","autoOffEnd":"00:00","exp":0,"ver":"3.12"}
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/getHardwareConfig {"name":"Pixelblaze_F8BD97","brandName":"","pixelCount":60,"brightness":1,"maxBrightness":100,"colorOrder":"BGR","dataSpeed":2000000,"ledType":1,"sequenceTimer":15,"sequencerMode":0,"runSequencer":false,"simpleUiMode":false,"discoveryEnable":true,"timezone":"America/Toronto","autoOffEnable":false,"autoOffStart":"00:00","autoOffEnd":"00:00","exp":0,"ver":"3.12"}

To send a command, publish to the topic given in the constructor as topic followed by all for all pixelblases, or a specific name for just the one pixelblase to respond (eg /pixelblaze/command/all, or /pixelblaze/command/Pixelblaze_F8BD97).
There are two formats, with and without arguments


With Arguments:
mosquitto_pub -h <broker_ip> -t "/pixelblaze/command/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/sendUpdates" -m False
mosquitto_pub -h <broker_ip> -t "/pixelblaze/command/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/setVariable" -m "r=0.5"
mosquitto_pub -h <broker_ip> -t "/pixelblaze/command/all/setActivePattern" -m "slow color shift"
mosquitto_pub -h -t "/pixelblaze/command/all/setColorControl" -m "rgbPickerColor=(0.5,0,0)"
mosquitto_pub -h -t "/pixelblaze/command/all/setColorControl" -m "rgbPickerColor=(0.5,0,0)=True"

if rgbPickerColor is the name of a colour control, =True will optionally save the value in flash (if enable_flash_save() has been called) . Note that arguments are seperated by = by default - eg (g=0.3, or r=1.0). This can be changed by setting delimiter to the string you want, this is a regular expression used in re.split. Default is '\=' (the = has to be escaped with a \ as it's a special character in regular expressions).

Without Arguments:
mosquitto_pub -h <broker_ip> -t "/pixelblaze/command/Pixelblaze_F8BD97" -m getHardwareConfig
mosquitto_pub -h <broker_ip> -t "/pixelblaze/command/all" -m getControls

Everything that is received is published to the base topic /pixelblaze/feedback/<name>, so if updates are on, you will receive updates like this:

/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/update {"fps":903,"vmerr":0,"vmerrpc":-1,"mem":10239,"exp":0,"renderType":1,"uptime":21025663}
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/update {"fps":902,"vmerr":0,"vmerrpc":-1,"mem":10239,"exp":0,"renderType":1,"uptime":21026663}
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/update {"fps":902,"vmerr":0,"vmerrpc":-1,"mem":10239,"exp":0,"renderType":1,"uptime":21027664}
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/update {"fps":902,"vmerr":0,"vmerrpc":-1,"mem":10239,"exp":0,"renderType":1,"uptime":21028664}

If the command provides values, or feedback, the result is published to <your feedbacktopic>/<pixelblaze name>/<command sent> eg:

/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/setColorControl True
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/getColorControlNames ['rgbPickerColor']
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/getColorControlName rgbPickerColor
/pixelblaze/feedback/Pixelblaze_F8BD97/waitForEmptyQueue True

If you subclass PixelblazeClient(), any method you define that does not start with _ can be called from MQTT.
see GardenLEDController.py in examples for how this works.


By default the property cache_timeout is set to 5 seconds. getHardwareConfig(), getPatternList() results are cached for 5 seconds before being purged.
This alows the use of commands that use these values without continually re-querying for these values.
Commands that change these settings will automatically clear the cache first. Cache can be disabled by setting this property to 0.

API Documentation

Roughly alphabetical except for object constructors.

class PixelblazeEnumerator

Asyncronous Discovery class for pixelblaze

PixelblazeEnumerator(addr='', log=None)

Create an object that listens continuously for Pixelblaze time and beacon packets, and maintains a list of visible Pixelblazes. The PixelblazeEnumerator object also supports synchronizing time on multiple Pixelblazes to allows them to run patterns simultaneously.

Takes the IPv4 address of the interface to use for listening on the calling computer. Listens on all available interfaces if addr is not specified.

log is optional if you want to pass a python logging object

See auto_pixelblaze.py in examples for an example of usage.

Async Methods

The following need to be awaited


Must be called to start listening for pixelblaze devices. Should only be called once. example:

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
pb_enum = PixelblazeEnumerator()

    asyncio.gather(pb_enum.start(), return_exceptions=True)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

Syncronous API

The below are all syncronous methods.


Stops the discovery class.


Turns off the time synchronization -- the PixelblazeEnumerator will not automatically synchronize Pixelblazes.


Instructs the PixelblazeEnumerator object to automatically synchronize time on all Pixelblazes. (Note that time synchronization is off by default when a new PixelblazeEnumerator is created.)


Returns a list of Pixelblazes (ip addresses) visible on the network.


Sets the interval in milliseconds which the enumerator will wait without hearing from a Pixelblaze before removing it from the active devices list.
The default timeout is 30 (30 seconds).


A Dictionary containing all discovered pixelblaze devices, key is the device id.

{ id:   "address"    : ip_addr,
        "timestamp"  : received time,
        "sender_id"  : id,
        "sender_time": timestamp}

NOTE this is a propety, not a method.

class PixelblazeClient

Asyncronous Class for interfaceing with pixelblaze devices, has integrated MQTT control. You should instantiate one class instance per pixelblaze device.

PixelblazeClient(pixelblase_ip, user, password, broker, port, topic, pubtopic, json_out, timeout, poll, log)

Create Pixelblaze object. Takes the Pixelblaze's IPv4 address in the usual 12 digit numeric form (for example, 192.168.1.xxx) Returns a Pixelblaze object. To control multiple Pixelblazes, create multiple objects.


PixelblazeClient(  pixelblase_ip=None,

Async Methods

The following all need to be awaited

Class control methods


Starts the websocket connection. Not called automatically when a Pixelblaze object is created - it is necessary to explicitly call start() to start the interface.

asyncio.gather(pb.start(), return_exceptions=True)

This should only be called once. Websocket will automatically reconnect if the connection drops for some reason.


Alternative start function. Starts the websocket, but waits for it to connect, and for pixelblaze name to be found.
Useful in programs where you want to wait for the connection and name to be established before proceeding.
See examples for usage.


See Syncronous method stop(). Stops all processes, and closes the websocket. Can (should) be used at the end of your program. Connection can be restarted using start() again.


Connects the websocket (if not already connected), can be used if you have run disconnect().
Websocket will automatically reconnect if the connection drops for some reason. Must run start() first.


Disconnects the websocket, if you don't want to leave it connected.
Don't forget to run connect() before issuing any commands!

MQTT accessible API calls

controlExists(ctl_name, pattern=None)

Returns True if the specified control exists, False otherwise. The pattern argument takes the name or ID of the pattern to check. If pattern argument is not specified, checks the currently running pattern. Note that this can return False on a freshly started pixelblaze, until the active pattern has been set.
This function also will return False if the active pattern is not available.


Deletes the pattern given by pattern (pid or name).
Note: if you delete the active pattern, it will continue to run, it will just be deleted from the list of available patterns.


Returns the ID of the pattern currently running on the Pixelblaze if available. Otherwise returns an empty dictionary object


Returns the Name of the pattern currently running on the Pixelblaze if available. Otherwise returns an empty dictionary object


Returns current global brightness (0-1), or None if not available.


Returns the name of the specified pattern's first rgbPicker or hsvPicker control if it exists, None otherwise. If the pattern argument is not specified, checks in the currently running pattern.


Returns a list of the names of the specified pattern's rgbPicker or hsvPicker controls if any exist, None otherwise. If the pattern argument is not specified, check the currently running pattern


Returns a dictionary containing the state of all the specified pattern's UI controls. If the pattern argument is not specified, returns the controls for the currently active pattern if available. Returns empty dictionary if the pattern has no UI controls, None if the pattern id is not valid or is not available. (Note that _get_current_controls() can return None on a freshly started Pixelblaze until the pattern has been explicitly set.)

getEPEFile(pattern=None, save=False)

Returns epe file as a dictionary sutiable for saving in a file from pid or name.
If save is True saves the file as an .epe file in the current directory with the pattern name. Will return None if the pattern is not found.


Returns a dictionary containing all the available hardware configuration data


Returns the ip for the connected pixelblaze.


Returns a dictionary containing the unique ID and the text name of all saved patterns on the Pixelblaze


Gets a preview (thumbnail) image in jpg format from PID or name.
Returns the jpeg binary data or None.


Gets source text for PID or name (compressed as LZString Uint8Array).
Currently not of much use.
This is not the same data as returned by save_binary_file()
Returns the binary data or None.


Gets source text for PID or name and uncomprsses it to plain text (for storing in .epe file).
Returns the plain text of the pattern or None.


Returns a tuple consisting of a code integer, and a string giving the meaning of the code. Return values: 0: Unknown 1: Checking ... 2: Running Update 3: Error 4: Up to date 5: Upgrade Available 6: Update Complete

If code 2 is returned, the string may contain the current progress, eg File 1/2 277458 bytes remain.


Checks to see if an upgrade is available, if so, starts a firmware upgrade. While firmware is being upgraded, reports the progress every 0.5 s. returns code and string the same as getUpgradeState(), but will be 3,4 or 6.


Returns a dictionary containing all vars exported from the active pattern


Returns True or False if websocket is connected or not.

load_binary_file(filename=None, binary=None)

Loads the binary data passed to binary as a pattern file. filename should be the PID the file will be loaded as. The binary data is in the format received from save_binary_file().
You can use this command to clone patterns from one pixelblaze to another. if binary is not given, then the current directory will be searched for a file filename.bin, if that is not found, then all .bin files will be searched for the string filename which should be a pattern name.
If a file is found, it is loaded to the pixelblaze, using the found filename as the PID (excluding the .bin).
This is not for loading .epe files
Returns either the PID loaded from the file, or None if not found. See save_load_pattern.py for an example use.


Temporarily pause the Pixelblaze's internal sequencer, without losing your place in the shuffle or playlist. Call playSequencer() to restart. Has no effect if the sequencer is not currently running. Returns the current sequencer state True (running) or False.


Starts the Pixelblaze's internal sequencer in the current mode, at the current place in the shuffle or playlist. Will not start the sequencer if it has not been enabled via startSequencer() or the Web UI.
Returns the current sequencer state True (running) or False.

read_binary_file(filename=None, binary_only=False)

loads a binary file (.bin) and returns the PID and binary data (as bytes).
If the filename is not found, searches the current directory using filename as the pattern name.
Returns pid, binary_data, or None, None.
if binary_only is set, just returns binary data or None


Stops or starts the Pixelblaze's internal sequencer in the current mode, at the current place in the shuffle or playlist. Will not start the sequencer if it has not been enabled via startSequencer() or the Web UI.
Returns the current sequencer state True (running) or False.

save_binary_file(pattern=None, save=False)

Downloads the given pattern (pid or name), and returns the binary data, optionally, saves it as a binary file. Uses pid.bin as the filename if saved to a file. Returns the binary data, or None. See save_load_pattern.py for an example use.


Sends arg (dictionary) as a json command, so you can build your own sequence of commands.
There is no checking performed.
Returns None.


Sets updates on or off (preview, frame rate etc).
Returns None.

setActivePattern(pid, saveFlash=False)

Sets the currently running pattern, using either an ID or a text name.
To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information.
Returns True if the active pattern was set successfuly, False if not, or None if the pattern was not found.

setActivePatternId(pid, saveFlash=False):

Sets the active pattern by pattern ID, without the name lookup option supported by setActivePattern(). This method is faster and more network efficient than SetActivePattern() if you already know a pattern's ID. It does not validate the input id, or determine if the pattern is available on the Pixelblaze.
To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information.
Returns True if the active pattern was set successfuly, False otherwise.

setBrightness(n, saveFlash=False)

Set the Pixelblaze's global brightness(%). Valid range is 0-100. To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information.
Returns None.

setMaxBrightness(n, saveFlash=False)

Set the Pixelblaze's global Maximum brightness. Valid range is 0-1. To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information.
Returns None.

setColorControl(ctl_name, color, saveFlash=False)

Sets the 3-element color of the specified HSV or RGB color picker. The color argument should contain an RGB or HSV color with all values in the range 0-1. To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information.

Based on testing w/Pixelblaze, no run-time length or range validation is performed on color. Pixelblaze ignores extra elements, sets unspecified elements to zero, takes only the fractional part of elements outside the range 0-1, and does something like (1-(n % 1)) for any negative elements. returns True or False if the control was set.

setControl(ctl_name, value, saveFlash=False)

Sets the value of a single UI controls in the active pattern. to values contained in the argument json_ctl. To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information.
returns True or False if the control was set.

setControls(json_ctl, saveFlash=False)

Sets UI controls in the active pattern to values contained in the dictionary in argument json_ctl. To reduce wear on Pixelblaze's flash memory, the saveFlash parameter is ignored by default. See documentation for _enable_flash_save() for more information. returns True or False if the control was set.

setcolorOrder(order, saveFlash=False):

Sets colur order in strip, "BGR", "RGB" etc. Note that you must call _enable_flash_save() in order to use the saveFlash parameter to make your new timing (semi) permanent.

setDataspeed(speed, saveFlash=False)

Sets data speed for all types of LEDs.
CAUTION: For advanced users only. If you don't know exactly why you want to do this, DON'T DO IT.

Note that you must call _enable_flash_save() (sync) or enable_flash_save() (async version) in order to use the saveFlash parameter to make your new timing (semi) permanent. Returns the current datasepeed.


if ip is given, sets the pixelblaze ip you are connected to. Restarts websocket with new ip. Returns the ip of the pixelblaze you are connected to


Sets the pixelblaze name (permenantly). if MQTT is in use, will unsubscribe from the old name topic, and subscribe to the new one Returns the new name.

setpixelCount(num, saveFlash=False)

Sets number of pixels in strip.
returns the current number of pixels.


Sets number of milliseconds the Pixelblaze's sequencer will run each pattern before switching to the next.
returns None.


Enable and start the Pixelblaze's internal sequencer. The optional mode parameter can be:

    • shuffle all patterns
    • playlist mode The playlistmust be configured through the Pixelblaze's web UI.
      Returns the current sequencer mode.


Stop and disable the Pixelblaze's internal sequencer.
Returns the current sequencer mode.

setVariable(var_name, value)

Sets a single variable to the specified value. Does not check to see if the variable is actually exported by the current active pattern.
Returns the value of the variable set, or None if the variable does not exist.


Sets pattern variables contained in the json_vars (dictionary) argument. Does not check to see if the variables are exported by the current active pattern.
Returns None


Returns True if the specified variable exists in the active pattern, False otherwise.


Wait until the Pixelblaze's websocket message queue is empty, or until timeout_ms milliseconds have elapsed. Returns True if an empty queue acknowldgement was received, False if timeout or error occurs.

Utility methods (available from MQTT)


Async version of enable_flash_save(), see below.

Utility methods (not available from MQTT)


Clears the cache.


Finds the binary file in the current directory (ends with .bin) for pattern name.
returns the filename or None.


Returns the ID of the pattern currently running on the Pixelblaze if available.
Otherwise returns an empty dictionary.


Utility Method: Returns controls for currently running pattern if available, None otherwise


Returns a dictionary containing all the available hardware configuration data.


Utility Method: Returns a pattern ID if passed either a valid ID or a text name.


Utility Method: Returns a pattern ID and name if passed either a valid ID or a text name. returns pid, name.


Returns patterns dictionary


Wait for MQTT broker to be connected


Wait for websocket to connect

Syncronous API

The below are all syncronous methods.

Utility methods (not available from MQTT)


IMPORTANT SAFETY TIP: To preserve your Pixelblaze's flash memory, which can wear out after a number of cycles, you must call this method before using setControls() with the saveFlash parameter set to True. If this method is not called, setControls() will ignore the saveFlash parameter and will not save settings to flash memory. You can unset the value by calling `_enable_flash_save(False)


syncronous version of _find_pattern_file

_id_from_name(patterns, name)

Utility method: Given the list of patterns and text name of a pattern, returns that pattern's ID.


property that equals True or False if the MQTT broker is connected or not.
NOTE: This is a property, not a method

_name_from_id(patterns, pid)

Utility method: Given the list of patterns and pid of a pattern, returns that pattern's Name.


Returns the Name or ID of the pattern currently running on the Pixelblaze if available depending on whether name is true or not.
Otherwise returns an empty dictionary object


Returns a pattern ID if passed either a valid ID or a text name

subscribe(topic, qos=0)

Subscribes to the topic (appended to the base topic passed in the class constructor)


UnSsubscribes from the topic (appended to the base topic passed in the class constructor)