
# MVI & Clean Code: Rendering Logic of State in Android & Flutter : Kotlin story part 1

Primary LanguageKotlin

MVI & Clean Code: Rendering Logic of State in Android & Flutter : Kotlin story part 1

To read the story: https://codingstories.io/story/61811e66d46036002a1a08a1/https:%2F%2Fgitlab.com%2FNickZt%2Fh1_kotlin

To code yourself: https://gitlab.com/NickZt/h1_kotlin

Estimated reading time: 45 minutes

Story Outline

Read a short story about how to made logic of a user interface written in Kotlin in the MVI style in comperancy with Flutter Dart based analogue

Story Organization

Story Branch: master

git checkout master

Practical task tag for self-study: task

git checkout task

Tags: #TDD, #kotlin, #MVI