My Ubuntu-setup

Prerequisites for the Desktop environment



sudo apt install -y plank \
                    synapse \
                    unity-tweak-tool \


Setting up everythinkg

launcher ubuntu unity-tweak-tools-panel Attentions : Here you need to disable Invoke HUD if you want to use the "Super" key for anything else. unity-tweak-tools-panel unity-tweak-tools-panel

Now after you have downloaded all the Schemes dependencies, you can uncompress them and move each of them to their respective folder and dont forget to remove the compressed useless files :

tar -xvf Ultra-Flat.tar.xz \
        rm Ultra-Flat.tar.xz \
        && mv Ultra-Flat* /usr/share/icons

tar -xvf \
        && rm
        && sudo mv X-Arc-* /usr/share/themes

tar -xvf Azeny.tar.gz \
        && rm Azeny.tar.gz \
        && mv Azeny ~/.local/share/plank/themes

tar -xvf capitaine-cursors-r4.tar.gz \
        && rm capitaine-cursors-r4.tar.gz \
        && sudo mv -vf capitaine-cursors /usr/share/icons

unity-tweak-tools-panel unity-tweak-tools-panel unity-tweak-tools-panel unity-tweak-tools-panel

To change Plank's theme, you need to "ctrl"+ right click on the Plank's dock.

unity-tweak-tools-panel unity-tweak-tools-panel

At this point you should have something like this:


Make sure that at this point Plank is runed at computer startup

If you want to use Synapse, by default the keyboard shortcuts is "ctrl" + "space" but you can change as you like.

My current Synapse theme is Virglio unity-tweak-tools-panel

If like me you want to use the "super"+"space" keyboard shortcuts, you have to disable it first in the system keyboard shortcuts