CS-Studio ESS Product

ESS-specific configuration for CS-Studio

|----[+] repository: 
|     |---- cs-studio-ess.product: The product definition file (.product), 
|             this is the file which defines the list of features that are to be included into your project. 
|             To inlcude or exclude additional feature simply add or remove them 
|----[+]  features: The features module conatins all the site specific features.
|     |----[+] o.c.ess.product.configuration.feature: The feature containing customization and config files.
|     |     |----[+]rootfiles/configuration
|     |           |---- plugin_customization.ini (optional): A config file defining site specific preferences
|                                                       for the various applications included in the product.              
|     |           |---- *.conf (optional): AA configuration files                  
|     |---- (optional) Extra features to be included in your product(To add your own plugins and applications)
|                      from the list of dependencies of this product.
|----[+]  (optional) plugins: The plugins module will contain all your site specific plugins.

Building the Product

The cs-studio product can be build using maven tycho. Run maven verify for the top level pom (in org.csstudio.ess.product)

mvn clean verify


Master Build Status