is a Swift library that provides a convenient way to handle and manage errors in iOS applications. It offers a set of tools and utilities for handling errors in a type-safe and flexible manner, allowing developers to write more robust and reliable error handling code. It works as a wrapper around Error
protocol for even more better usability.
CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Cocoa Libraries. You can install Cocoapods using the following command:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
If you wish to integrate AnyErrorKit
in your project, then make following changes in your Podfile
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'YourAppName' do
pod 'AnyErrorKit'
After saving Podfile
. Run the following command:
$ pod install
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding AnyErrorKit as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies
value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("master"))
If you don't want to use any dependency manager in your project, you can install this library manually too.
Just download and add the Source
folder to your project.
- Type-erased error handling: AnyError allows you to work with any error type, making it flexible and convenient to handle errors in Swift applications.
- Error representation: AnyError provides a way to represent errors as values, making it easier to pass around and manipulate errors in Swift code.
- Error conversion: AnyError provides utility methods to convert between different error types, allowing you to convert errors from one type to another.
- Error chaining: AnyError allows you to chain multiple errors together, making it easier to represent complex error scenarios in Swift applications.
Creating an AnyError
You can create an AnyError instance by simply passing an error instance to its initializer:
import AnyErrorKit
let error = NSError(domain: "com.example", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
let anyError = AnyError(error)
You can also create an AnyError from a Swift.Error instance:
import AnyErrorKit
enum MyError: Error {
case someError
let myError = MyError.someError
let anyError = AnyError(myError)
Handling an AnyError
You can handle an AnyError instance using standard Swift error handling techniques, such as do-catch blocks:
import AnyErrorKit
let error = NSError(domain: "com.example", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
let anyError = AnyError(error)
do {
// Code that may throw an error
} catch let error as AnyError {
// Handle the error
print("Error: \(error)")
} catch {
// Handle other errors
You can also access the underlying error instance from an AnyError using the underlyingError property:
import AnyErrorKit
let error = NSError(domain: "com.example", code: 1, userInfo: nil)
let anyError = AnyError(error)
if let underlyingError = anyError.underlyingError as? NSError {
// Access properties of the underlying error
print("Domain: \(underlyingError.domain), Code: \(underlyingError.code)")
Converting between error types
provides utility methods to convert between different error types. You can use the asError()
method on Error instances to convert them to an AnyError
, and you can use the asType()
method on AnyError instances to convert them to a specific error type.
import AnyErrorKit
enum MyError: Error {
case someError
let myError = MyError.someError
let anyError = myError