
Creating startmenues for Windows could be a complex task as it requires us to export and customize an XML-file to get it right. It get's even more complex if we want to customize the taskbar as well.

This is where the Windows Startmenu Creator Tool comes to play. The tool will help us export the XML from a reference device and will ease the taskbar customization process by a lot... it will even connect to MEM, upload the XML and create the policy for you, how awesome is that?! 😍

We have some prereqs to take into consideration:

  1. PowerShell execution policy must be set to allow the tool to run about Execution Policies - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
  2. The PowerShell modue: Microsoft.Graph.Intune must be installed on the system running the tool GitHub - microsoft/Intune-PowerShell-SDK: Native PowerShell support for invoking Microsoft Intune Graph API to enable IT Pro scenario automation.

Now that we have taken care of the pre-reqs it is time to... wait for it...

....Rock Enroll!

No support for Windows 11 as for now. I will work on that!
Edit: Good news! support for Windows 11 has been added.

Windows 10OK
Windows 11OK
Download latest release to the right -->

The tool in action (running on Windows 11):

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