
A CLI tool for managing NCI Pilot 1 data in Globus Search

Primary LanguagePython


A Command Line tool for managing data in Globus Search as well as transferring corresponding data to and from a Globus Endpoint.


Pilot1 tools supported on Python 3.5 and higher

Install with pip:

pip install -e git+git@github.com:globusonline/pilot1-tools.git#egg=pilot1-tools

You will also need Globus Connect Personal installed on your machine. You can download a copy here: https://www.globus.org/globus-connect-personal


For Mac OSX, you may need to install headers. Ensure XCode is installed

xcode-select --install

Headers for Mac have moved recently, causing some components not to install. You can reinstall the old headers here:

open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg


These tools are available on Conda for Python 3.6, you can install them with the following:

conda create -n pilot1-env -c conda-forge -c nickolaussaint pilot1-tools


First, login using Globus:

pilot login

You can use list to get a high level overview of the data:

pilot list

If you want more detail about a specific search record, you can use describe to view details:

pilot describe dose_response/rescaled_combined_single_drug_growth

You can also download the data associated with the search record:

pilot download dose_response/rescaled_combined_single_drug_growth

When you want to add more data to the collection, you can use the upload command. This will upload the data in addition to creating a record in Globus Search to track it.

touch my_data.tsv
pilot upload my_data.tsv test_dir --test --dry-run --verbose -j my_metadata.json

The three flags '--test --dry-run --verbose' are optional but handy for testing. '-j my_metadata.json' is for providing any extra metadata the pilot tool can't automatically determine. Here is an example of the metadata:

    "title": "Drug Identifiers",
    "description": "Drug identifiers, including InChIKey, SMILES, and PubChem.",
    "data_type": "Drug Response",
    "dataframe_type": "List",
    "source": [

Running Tests

Ensure packages in test-requirements.txt are installed, then run:


And for coverage:

pytest --cov pilot

Building for Conda

Currently, the tableschema package has not been built for python 3.7, so this only lists instructions for python 3.6. Two channels must be used, nickolaussaint and conda-forge. The nickolaussaint channel contains fair-research-login, and conda-forge contains various other packages we need including the globus-sdk.

conda build -c nickolaussaint -c conda-forge --python 3.6 .