
OOD & OOP Basics: Boris Bikes

Primary LanguageRuby


The first week project at Makers Academy. The aim of this project was to implement a bike hire scheme similar to that in London (hence 'Boris Bikes', after mayor Boris Johnson) and other major cities around the world.

Boris Bikes introduced us to creating domain models and using different classes, each responsible for their own functions but interacting so that bikes can be released for rent from a docking station, returned to the docking station and, if broken, taken by the van to the garage and returned to the docking station when fixed.

How to use

Clone this repository, cd into in from your terminal, open pry or irb and then type the following command:

require './lib/bikerunner.rb'

You will then be able to create bikes, docking stations, vans and garages to play with the functionality.