Mixed Reality Toolkit 3 in-editor tutorials

MRTK3 in-editor tutorials banner that showcases the Bounds Control, Buttons, Hand Menu, and Object Manipulator features in four corners of the image, starting from top left to top right.

The MRTK3 in-editor tutorials guide you through each step of the way to build your first MRTK3 application in a beautiful aquarium.

Getting Started with the MRTK3 in-editor tutorials

  1. Install Unity 2021.3.4f1
  2. Clone this repository to your computer.
  3. Open the cloned project "MRTK3-iet-tutorials" with Unity 2021.3.4f1.
  4. You should see a Tutorials window on the right side of your screen that contains a list of seven tutorials. If not, on the menu bar, select Tutorial > Show Tutorials.
  5. In the Tutorials window, select the tutorial you want to proceed with.


Preview the Project

An aquarium scene that consists of sea coral, sea grass, and rocks surrounding the environment. A boat is placed into the sand in the back right corner. A treasure chest is placed in the middle of the aquarium. A hide toggle button is to the right of the treasure chest.

Learn about the various solutions for previewing scenes without compiling and deploying projects to a XR device.

How to use MRTK Input Simulation

A pair of simulated hands displayed next to one another. A ray is placed in front of each hand.

Learn how to simulate input directly into the Unity editor with MRTK In-Editor Input Simulation.

Object Manipulator

An aquarium scene with coral, rocks, and sea grass. In the middle of the aquarium is a simulated hand that is grabbing a treasure chest.

Move and manipulate objects with one or two hands with a wide variety of input modalities.

Bounds Control

An aquarium scene with coral, rocks, and sea grass spread around the tank. A coral is in the middle with a bounding box surrounding it's shape.

Intent feedback and precision manipulation affordances.

Canvas Button

An aquarium scene with coral, rocks, and sea grass around the tank. A Seahorse is in the middle of the tank. To the right of the sea horse is a toggle button that has a seahorse icon.

A volumetric button optimized for a wide range of input modalities.

Canvas Button bar

An aquarium scene with sand and a boat sticking straight up in the middle of the tank. At the front of the tank is a button bar that says coral, sea grass, rock, and boat.

A volumetric button bar optimized for a wide range of input modalities.


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