
A Rofi-powered menu launched by a Polybar module to help manage your Dropbox sync settings.

Primary LanguageShell

Dropbox Sync Menu

Created by Nick Garcia

If you have any suggestions for improving these scripts, this repository, or this README, please let me know!

These scripts provide an easy way to manage sync settings for Dropbox on Linux.


Make sure you have the following installed before using dropboxsyncmenu:


Here's How It Works

After setup, you'll have either DBX or --- show up in your polybar (haven't gotten around to switching to icons yet).

  • If --- shows, Dropbox isn't running.
  • If DBX shows, Dropbox is running.
    • You can left-click to run dropbox status which uses notify-send to tell you if it's up to date, syncing files, indexing, etc.
    • You can right-click to load the Rofi-powered dropboxsyncmenu (first picture below)

The first menu lets you choose between:

  • Synced Directories: This is a list of directories currently synced and showing up in your local Dropbox directory.
    • Choosing from this list runs dropbox exclude add <directory> which will unsync it from your computer.
  • Excluded Directories: This is a list of directories that are not synced to your local directory.
    • Choosing from this list runs dropbox exclude remove <directory> which will start syncing it to your computer.

I haven't yet figured out how to mix the two lists in a way that indicates whether the directory is synced or unsynced all in one list, but the end goal is one list!

Here's How It Looks

List Selection Screenshot

Here's the 'Synced Directories' menu:

Synced Directories Screenshot

And the 'Excluded Directories' menu:

Excluded Directories Screenshot

How to Install

Step 1. Add Scripts

  • Move the dropboxstatus and dropboxsyncmenu files to your scripts directory. For me this is in Dropbox/scripts, but you can use the default of $HOME/.config/polybar/scripts as well.
  • Make sure both of those files are executible by running chmod +x <filename>
  • Set the DROPBOX variable in dropboxsyncmenu to wherever your Dropbox directory is located if different from $HOME/Dropbox
  • If needed, set the FILE variable to a directory this script can use for its .tmp file. (the file gets auto deleted at the end). The default is your $HOME directory, but I use $HOME/.temp
  • If you don't use ZSH, change the first line of both scripts to match your shell (example for Bash users: #!/bin/bash )

Note: The 'Synced Directories' search uses the tree command and has a depth of 2 when building the menu list (meaning it won't show a pics/vacation/bali directory since that is 3 directories deep). To change this, go to line 26 in the dropboxsyncmenu script and change 2 to your preferred depth.

Step 2. Set up Polybar

  • Add the dropboxstatus module from the user_modules.ini file:
    • Copy line 11 - 16 into your polybar/user_modules.ini file.
    • Add dropboxstatus to your polybar/config.ini file like I have here on line 32
    • If needed, change exec, click-left, and click-right so it has the correct path for where you placed the scripts during Step 1.
  • Make sure include-file = ~/.config/polybar/user_modules.ini is added to your ~/.config/polybar/config.ini file like so on line 5

Step 3. Set up Rofi

  • Add centermenu.rasi to your ~/.config/rofi directory
    • If you don't have Fira Code installed, either install it or change the font on line 9 of the centermenu.rasi file.