
Aria2c not downloading

sinthesizer opened this issue · 17 comments

Aria2c was ok in last version 2024.10.1, but with aria2c selected in 2024.10.2 downloads don't seem to work. Starts the download process, then says completed but lists Error -1 and nothing downloaded. This happens with Mp4 and HLS downloads. Downloads are fine using default settings without aria2c selected in 2024.10.2.

I'm using Linux Mint 22

Can you try with 2024.10.3?

Now with aria2c in 2024.10.3 selected, still not combining files when download is finished. Leaves -- .mp4.part.frag.urls (text file) and .mp4.part (archive file)
Not a complete mp4 file.

I got a full MP4 file with aria2c no problem:

Can you provide the URL you are trying to download?

Will download "" without aria2c selected. But fails with it selected.
Also will not combine hls file downloads into final mp4. Downloads all parts and leaves two uncombined files.
Leaves -- .mp4.part.frag.urls (text file) and .mp4.part (archive file)
Not a complete mp4 file. I am running Linux Mint 22. Also when using terminal and running the following command I have success downloading hls mp4 movies. yt-dlp --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "aria2c: -x 16 -j 32" <URL_of_HLS_file> . Downloads all parts and combines. I would rather use Parabolic for its convenience.

Worked again for me no problem:

What download options are you use (i.e. file type, quality, etc...)?

Could you also click the terminal button on the download row to show the log, and then click the terminal icon in the will copy the download command that was used by Parabolic, then come and paste it here...
Screenshot From 2024-11-01 10-08-05

/app/bin/yt-dlp --xff default --no-warnings --progress --newline --progress-template [download] PROGRESS;%(progress.status)s;%(progress.downloaded_bytes)s;%(progress.total_bytes)s;%(progress.total_bytes_estimate)s;%(progress.speed)s --no-mtime --ffmpeg-location /app/bin/ffmpeg --force-overwrites --downloader /app/bin/aria2c --downloader-args aria2c:-x 16 -k 20M --embed-metadata --embed-thumbnail --convert-thumbnails jpg --remux-video mp4 --paths /home/asanga/Downloads --output B. B.%(ext)s --output chapter:%(section_number)03d - B. B.%(ext)s --postprocessor-args -threads 12

Hope that's what you wanted. Below is the full log file.

[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading mweb player API JSON
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading m3u8 information
[info] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading 1 format(s): 244+251
[info] Downloading video thumbnail 42 ...
[info] Writing video thumbnail 42 to: /home/asanga/Downloads/B. B.webp
[ThumbnailsConvertor] Converting thumbnail "/home/asanga/Downloads/B. B.webp" to jpg
Deleting original file /home/asanga/Downloads/B. B.webp (pass -k to keep)
[download] Destination: /home/asanga/Downloads/B. B.f244.webm

11/02 09:40:31 [�[1;31mERROR�[0m] Failed to load trusted CA certificates from /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. Cause: Error while reading file.

11/02 09:40:31 [�[1;31mERROR�[0m] CUID#7 - Download aborted. URI=
Exception: [] errorCode=1 URI=
-> [] errorCode=1 SSL/TLS handshake failure: not signed by known authorities or invalid' issuer is not known'

aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted.
If there are any errors, then see the log file. See '-l' option in help/man page for details.

ERROR: aria2c exited with code 1
[download] Destination: /home/asanga/Downloads/B. B.f251.webm

11/02 09:40:31 [�[1;31mERROR�[0m] Failed to load trusted CA certificates from /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. Cause: Error while reading file.

11/02 09:40:31 [�[1;31mERROR�[0m] CUID#7 - Download aborted. URI=
Exception: [] errorCode=1 URI=
-> [] errorCode=1 SSL/TLS handshake failure: not signed by known authorities or invalid' issuer is not known'

aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted.
If there are any errors, then see the log file. See '-l' option in help/man page for details.

ERROR: aria2c exited with code 1

Any progress with the above problem? I'm still able to download successfully with yt-dlp 2024.10.22 and aria2c 1.37 which I have on my Linux Mint 22 system with this terminal command yt-dlp --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args "aria2c: -x 16 -j 32" <URL_of_HLS_file> . Tried again with Parabolic 2024.10.3 with aria2 selected in preferences and the download falled with same previous comments errors. Let me know if you have any progress. Love your program and would like to use it in the future.

So far no fix still trying to investigate why it works for me and not for you :/

I was running the app locally built. So, I tried the flatpak instead thinking maybe that was it...but it still works successfully for me:

[debug] Command-line config: ['', '--xff', 'default', '--no-warnings', '--progress', '--newline', '--progress-template', '[download] PROGRESS;%(progress.status)s;%(progress.downloaded_bytes)s;%(progress.total_bytes)s;%(progress.total_bytes_estimate)s;%(progress.speed)s', '--no-mtime', '--ffmpeg-location', '/app/bin/ffmpeg', '--force-overwrites', '--verbose', '--downloader', '/app/bin/aria2c', '--downloader-args', 'aria2c:-x 16 -k 20M', '--embed-metadata', '--embed-thumbnail', '--convert-thumbnails', 'jpg', '--extract-audio', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '--paths', '/home/nlogozzo/Downloads', '--output', 'A.%(ext)s', '--output', 'chapter:%(section_number)03d - A.%(ext)s', '--postprocessor-args', '-threads 8']
[debug] Encodings: locale UTF-8, fs utf-8, pref UTF-8, out utf-8 (No ANSI), error utf-8 (No ANSI), screen utf-8 (No ANSI)
[debug] yt-dlp version stable@2024.11.04 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp [197d0b03b] (pip)
[debug] Python 3.12.7 (CPython x86_64 64bit) - Linux-6.11.6-300.fc41.x86_64-x86_64-with-glibc2.40 (OpenSSL 3.3.2 3 Sep 2024, glibc 2.40)
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 7.1 (setts), ffprobe 7.1
[debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.21.0, brotli-1.1.0, certifi-2024.08.30, mutagen-1.47.0, requests-2.32.3, sqlite3-3.46.1, urllib3-2.2.3, websockets-13.1
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[debug] Request Handlers: urllib, requests, websockets
[debug] Loaded 1838 extractors
[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading webpage
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading mweb player API JSON
[debug] [youtube] Extracting signature function js_baafab19_103
[debug] Loading youtube-sigfuncs.js_baafab19_103 from cache
[debug] Loading youtube-nsig.baafab19 from cache
[debug] [youtube] Decrypted nsig 24dgAxjfzLYUeji => nRLMoSSc9qnQVA
[debug] Loading youtube-nsig.baafab19 from cache
[debug] [youtube] Decrypted nsig g3ioUfpNoPrnaDl => ZQVM30lrcZB8Pw
[debug] [youtube] Extracting signature function js_baafab19_107
[debug] Loading youtube-sigfuncs.js_baafab19_107 from cache
[youtube] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Sort order given by extractor: quality, res, fps, hdr:12, source, vcodec, channels, acodec, lang, proto
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, quality, res, fps, hdr:12(7), source, vcodec, channels, acodec, lang, proto, size, br, asr, vext, aext, hasaud, id
[info] 4fk2prKnYnI: Downloading 1 format(s): 251
[info] Downloading video thumbnail 42 ...
[info] Writing video thumbnail 42 to: /home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webp
[ThumbnailsConvertor] Converting thumbnail "/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webp" to jpg
[debug] ffmpeg command line: /app/bin/ffmpeg -y -loglevel repeat+info -f image2 -pattern_type none -i file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webp -update 1 -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg -movflags +faststart -threads 8 file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.jpg
Deleting original file /home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webp (pass -k to keep)
[debug] Invoking aria2c downloader on ""
[download] Destination: /home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webm
[debug] aria2c command line: /app/bin/aria2c -c --no-conf --console-log-level=warn --summary-interval=0 --download-result=hide --http-accept-gzip=true --file-allocation=none -x16 -j16 -s16 --min-split-size 1M --header 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36' --header 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' --header 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5' --header 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' --check-certificate=true --remote-time=false --show-console-readout=true -x 16 -k 20M --dir /home/nlogozzo/Downloads/ --out ./A.webm.part --auto-file-renaming=false -- ''
[#0b2758 32KiB/6.1MiB(0%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m26s]
[#0b2758 64KiB/6.1MiB(1%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m20s]
[#0b2758 96KiB/6.1MiB(1%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m24s]
[#0b2758 128KiB/6.1MiB(2%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m21s]
[#0b2758 160KiB/6.1MiB(2%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m20s]
[#0b2758 192KiB/6.1MiB(3%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:3m22s]
[#0b2758 224KiB/6.1MiB(3%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:3m30s]
[#0b2758 272KiB/6.1MiB(4%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m16s]
[#0b2758 304KiB/6.1MiB(4%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m14s]
[#0b2758 336KiB/6.1MiB(5%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m15s]
[#0b2758 368KiB/6.1MiB(5%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m12s]
[#0b2758 400KiB/6.1MiB(6%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m11s]
[#0b2758 432KiB/6.1MiB(6%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m12s]
[#0b2758 464KiB/6.1MiB(7%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m11s]
[#0b2758 496KiB/6.1MiB(7%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m8s]
[#0b2758 544KiB/6.1MiB(8%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:2m56s]
[#0b2758 576KiB/6.1MiB(9%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m3s]
[#0b2758 608KiB/6.1MiB(9%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m4s]
[#0b2758 640KiB/6.1MiB(10%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m1s]
[#0b2758 672KiB/6.1MiB(10%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m1s]
[#0b2758 704KiB/6.1MiB(11%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:3m]
[#0b2758 736KiB/6.1MiB(11%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m57s]
[#0b2758 768KiB/6.1MiB(12%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m54s]
[#0b2758 800KiB/6.1MiB(12%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:2m47s]
[#0b2758 832KiB/6.1MiB(13%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m55s]
[#0b2758 864KiB/6.1MiB(13%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m54s]
[#0b2758 896KiB/6.1MiB(14%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m52s]
[#0b2758 0.9MiB/6.1MiB(14%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m51s]
[#0b2758 0.9MiB/6.1MiB(15%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m49s]
[#0b2758 0.9MiB/6.1MiB(15%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m49s]
[#0b2758 1.0MiB/6.1MiB(16%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m50s]
[#0b2758 1.0MiB/6.1MiB(16%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m50s]
[#0b2758 1.0MiB/6.1MiB(17%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m49s]
[#0b2758 1.1MiB/6.1MiB(18%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m41s]
[#0b2758 1.1MiB/6.1MiB(18%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m42s]
[#0b2758 1.1MiB/6.1MiB(19%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m42s]
[#0b2758 1.2MiB/6.1MiB(19%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m41s]
[#0b2758 1.2MiB/6.1MiB(20%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m41s]
[#0b2758 1.2MiB/6.1MiB(20%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m40s]
[#0b2758 1.2MiB/6.1MiB(21%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m37s]
[#0b2758 1.3MiB/6.1MiB(21%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m35s]
[#0b2758 1.3MiB/6.1MiB(22%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m35s]
[#0b2758 1.3MiB/6.1MiB(22%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:2m41s]
[#0b2758 1.4MiB/6.1MiB(23%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:2m40s]
[#0b2758 1.4MiB/6.1MiB(23%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m38s]
[#0b2758 1.5MiB/6.1MiB(24%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m29s]
[#0b2758 1.5MiB/6.1MiB(24%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:2m36s]
[#0b2758 1.5MiB/6.1MiB(25%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m33s]
[#0b2758 1.5MiB/6.1MiB(25%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m32s]
[#0b2758 1.6MiB/6.1MiB(26%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m32s]
[#0b2758 1.6MiB/6.1MiB(26%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m30s]
[#0b2758 1.6MiB/6.1MiB(27%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m28s]
[#0b2758 1.7MiB/6.1MiB(27%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m26s]
[#0b2758 1.7MiB/6.1MiB(28%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m25s]
[#0b2758 1.7MiB/6.1MiB(28%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:2m31s]
[#0b2758 1.7MiB/6.1MiB(29%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m22s]
[#0b2758 1.8MiB/6.1MiB(29%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m21s]
[#0b2758 1.8MiB/6.1MiB(30%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m20s]
[#0b2758 1.8MiB/6.1MiB(30%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:2m24s]
[#0b2758 1.9MiB/6.1MiB(31%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m17s]
[#0b2758 1.9MiB/6.1MiB(32%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m16s]
[#0b2758 1.9MiB/6.1MiB(32%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m15s]
[#0b2758 2.0MiB/6.1MiB(33%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:2m24s]
[#0b2758 2.0MiB/6.1MiB(33%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m14s]
[#0b2758 2.0MiB/6.1MiB(34%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m14s]
[#0b2758 2.1MiB/6.1MiB(34%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m14s]
[#0b2758 2.1MiB/6.1MiB(35%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m10s]
[#0b2758 2.2MiB/6.1MiB(36%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m7s]
[#0b2758 2.2MiB/6.1MiB(36%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m7s]
[#0b2758 2.2MiB/6.1MiB(37%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:2m6s]
[#0b2758 2.2MiB/6.1MiB(37%) CN:1 DL:33KiB ETA:1m57s]
[#0b2758 2.3MiB/6.1MiB(38%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:1m57s]
[#0b2758 2.3MiB/6.1MiB(38%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m6s]
[#0b2758 2.4MiB/6.1MiB(39%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m58s]
[#0b2758 2.4MiB/6.1MiB(39%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:1m54s]
[#0b2758 2.4MiB/6.1MiB(40%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:2m11s]
[#0b2758 2.5MiB/6.1MiB(40%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m1s]
[#0b2758 2.5MiB/6.1MiB(41%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2m]
[#0b2758 2.5MiB/6.1MiB(41%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m59s]
[#0b2758 2.5MiB/6.1MiB(42%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m57s]
[#0b2758 2.6MiB/6.1MiB(42%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:2m3s]
[#0b2758 2.6MiB/6.1MiB(43%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m52s]
[#0b2758 2.6MiB/6.1MiB(44%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:1m57s]
[#0b2758 2.7MiB/6.1MiB(44%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:1m55s]
[#0b2758 2.7MiB/6.1MiB(45%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:1m46s]
[#0b2758 2.7MiB/6.1MiB(45%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m50s]
[#0b2758 2.8MiB/6.1MiB(46%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m49s]
[#0b2758 2.8MiB/6.1MiB(46%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m47s]
[#0b2758 2.8MiB/6.1MiB(47%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m46s]
[#0b2758 2.9MiB/6.1MiB(47%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:1m40s]
[#0b2758 2.9MiB/6.1MiB(48%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m44s]
[#0b2758 2.9MiB/6.1MiB(48%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m43s]
[#0b2758 3.0MiB/6.1MiB(49%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m43s]
[#0b2758 3.0MiB/6.1MiB(49%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m43s]
[#0b2758 3.0MiB/6.1MiB(50%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m42s]
[#0b2758 3.0MiB/6.1MiB(50%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m41s]
[#0b2758 3.1MiB/6.1MiB(51%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m35s]
[#0b2758 3.1MiB/6.1MiB(51%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m34s]
[#0b2758 3.2MiB/6.1MiB(52%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m33s]
[#0b2758 3.2MiB/6.1MiB(52%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m32s]
[#0b2758 3.2MiB/6.1MiB(53%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m31s]
[#0b2758 3.2MiB/6.1MiB(53%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m30s]
[#0b2758 3.3MiB/6.1MiB(54%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m29s]
[#0b2758 3.3MiB/6.1MiB(55%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m29s]
[#0b2758 3.3MiB/6.1MiB(55%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m28s]
[#0b2758 3.4MiB/6.1MiB(56%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:1m31s]
[#0b2758 3.4MiB/6.1MiB(56%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m30s]
[#0b2758 3.4MiB/6.1MiB(57%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m29s]
[#0b2758 3.5MiB/6.1MiB(57%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:1m28s]
[#0b2758 3.5MiB/6.1MiB(58%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:1m27s]
[#0b2758 3.5MiB/6.1MiB(58%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m21s]
[#0b2758 3.6MiB/6.1MiB(59%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m20s]
[#0b2758 3.6MiB/6.1MiB(59%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m19s]
[#0b2758 3.6MiB/6.1MiB(60%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m19s]
[#0b2758 3.7MiB/6.1MiB(60%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m18s]
[#0b2758 3.7MiB/6.1MiB(61%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m19s]
[#0b2758 3.7MiB/6.1MiB(61%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m18s]
[#0b2758 3.8MiB/6.1MiB(62%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:1m18s]
[#0b2758 3.8MiB/6.1MiB(63%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m16s]
[#0b2758 3.8MiB/6.1MiB(63%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m15s]
[#0b2758 3.9MiB/6.1MiB(64%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m13s]
[#0b2758 3.9MiB/6.1MiB(64%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m12s]
[#0b2758 3.9MiB/6.1MiB(65%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m10s]
[#0b2758 4.0MiB/6.1MiB(65%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m8s]
[#0b2758 4.0MiB/6.1MiB(66%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m6s]
[#0b2758 4.0MiB/6.1MiB(66%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m5s]
[#0b2758 4.1MiB/6.1MiB(67%) CN:1 DL:33KiB ETA:1m1s]
[#0b2758 4.1MiB/6.1MiB(67%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m4s]
[#0b2758 4.1MiB/6.1MiB(68%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m3s]
[#0b2758 4.2MiB/6.1MiB(68%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m2s]
[#0b2758 4.2MiB/6.1MiB(69%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:1m1s]
[#0b2758 4.2MiB/6.1MiB(69%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m]
[#0b2758 4.2MiB/6.1MiB(70%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:1m]
[#0b2758 4.3MiB/6.1MiB(70%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:59s]
[#0b2758 4.3MiB/6.1MiB(71%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:58s]
[#0b2758 4.3MiB/6.1MiB(71%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:57s]
[#0b2758 4.4MiB/6.1MiB(72%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:1m1s]
[#0b2758 4.4MiB/6.1MiB(72%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:56s]
[#0b2758 4.4MiB/6.1MiB(73%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:56s]
[#0b2758 4.5MiB/6.1MiB(73%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:54s]
[#0b2758 4.5MiB/6.1MiB(74%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:54s]
[#0b2758 4.5MiB/6.1MiB(74%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:52s]
[#0b2758 4.6MiB/6.1MiB(75%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:51s]
[#0b2758 4.6MiB/6.1MiB(76%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:47s]
[#0b2758 4.6MiB/6.1MiB(76%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:49s]
[#0b2758 4.7MiB/6.1MiB(77%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:45s]
[#0b2758 4.7MiB/6.1MiB(77%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:46s]
[#0b2758 4.7MiB/6.1MiB(78%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:44s]
[#0b2758 4.7MiB/6.1MiB(78%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:43s]
[#0b2758 4.8MiB/6.1MiB(79%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:39s]
[#0b2758 4.8MiB/6.1MiB(79%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:41s]
[#0b2758 4.9MiB/6.1MiB(80%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:38s]
[#0b2758 4.9MiB/6.1MiB(80%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:39s]
[#0b2758 4.9MiB/6.1MiB(81%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:36s]
[#0b2758 5.0MiB/6.1MiB(81%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:36s]
[#0b2758 5.0MiB/6.1MiB(82%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:34s]
[#0b2758 5.0MiB/6.1MiB(82%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:33s]
[#0b2758 5.0MiB/6.1MiB(83%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:32s]
[#0b2758 5.1MiB/6.1MiB(83%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:33s]
[#0b2758 5.1MiB/6.1MiB(84%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:30s]
[#0b2758 5.1MiB/6.1MiB(84%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:33s]
[#0b2758 5.2MiB/6.1MiB(85%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:29s]
[#0b2758 5.2MiB/6.1MiB(85%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:28s]
[#0b2758 5.2MiB/6.1MiB(86%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:27s]
[#0b2758 5.3MiB/6.1MiB(86%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:26s]
[#0b2758 5.3MiB/6.1MiB(87%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:25s]
[#0b2758 5.3MiB/6.1MiB(88%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:24s]
[#0b2758 5.4MiB/6.1MiB(88%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:23s]
[#0b2758 5.4MiB/6.1MiB(89%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:22s]
[#0b2758 5.4MiB/6.1MiB(89%) CN:1 DL:32KiB ETA:19s]
[#0b2758 5.5MiB/6.1MiB(90%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:19s]
[#0b2758 5.5MiB/6.1MiB(90%) CN:1 DL:31KiB ETA:18s]
[#0b2758 5.5MiB/6.1MiB(90%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:19s]
[#0b2758 5.5MiB/6.1MiB(91%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:17s]
[#0b2758 5.6MiB/6.1MiB(91%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:17s]
[#0b2758 5.6MiB/6.1MiB(92%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:15s]
[#0b2758 5.6MiB/6.1MiB(93%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:14s]
[#0b2758 5.7MiB/6.1MiB(93%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:13s]
[#0b2758 5.7MiB/6.1MiB(94%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:12s]
[#0b2758 5.7MiB/6.1MiB(94%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:12s]
[#0b2758 5.7MiB/6.1MiB(94%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:11s]
[#0b2758 5.8MiB/6.1MiB(95%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:9s]
[#0b2758 5.8MiB/6.1MiB(95%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:8s]
[#0b2758 5.8MiB/6.1MiB(96%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:7s]
[#0b2758 5.9MiB/6.1MiB(96%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:6s]
[#0b2758 5.9MiB/6.1MiB(97%) CN:1 DL:29KiB ETA:5s]
[#0b2758 5.9MiB/6.1MiB(97%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:4s]
[#0b2758 6.0MiB/6.1MiB(98%) CN:1 DL:28KiB ETA:3s]
[#0b2758 6.0MiB/6.1MiB(99%) CN:1 DL:30KiB ETA:2s]
[#0b2758 6.0MiB/6.1MiB(99%) CN:1 DL:30KiB]
[download] PROGRESS;finished;6404178;6404178;NA;31466.724361305547
[debug] ffmpeg command line: /app/bin/ffprobe -show_streams file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webm
[ExtractAudio] Destination: /home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.mp3
[debug] ffmpeg command line: /app/bin/ffmpeg -y -loglevel repeat+info -i file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webm -vn -acodec libmp3lame -q:a 5.0 -movflags +faststart -threads 8 file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.mp3
Deleting original file /home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.webm (pass -k to keep)
[Metadata] Adding metadata to "/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.mp3"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: /app/bin/ffmpeg -y -loglevel repeat+info -i file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.mp3 -map 0 -dn -ignore_unknown -c copy -write_id3v1 1 -metadata 'title=B. B. King - The Thrill Is Gone (Live at Montreux 1993) | Stages' -metadata date=20090721 -metadata 'description=Watch GIGS on Samsung TV Plus: Available to order now at

B.B. King is the greatest living exponent of the blues and considered by many to be the most influential guitarist of the latter part of the 20th century. His career dates back to the late forties and despite now being in his eighties he remains a vibrant and charismatic live performer. B.B. King has been a frequent visitor to the Montreux festival, appearing nearly 20 times, so choosing one performance was no easy task. This 1993 concert will surely rank as one of his finest at any venue. With a superb backing band and a great set list its a must for any blues fan.

The thrill is gone
The thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away
You know you done me wrong baby
And you'"'"'ll be sorry someday

The thrill is gone
It'"'"'s gone away from me
The thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away from me
Although, I'"'"'ll still live on
But so lonely I'"'"'ll be

The thrill is gone
It'"'"'s gone away for good
The thrill is gone baby
It'"'"'s gone away for good
Someday I know I'"'"'ll be open armed baby
Just like I know a good man should

You know I'"'"'m free, free now baby
I'"'"'m free from your spell
Oh I'"'"'m free, free, free now
I'"'"'m free from your spell
And now that it'"'"'s all over
All I can do is wish you well

Official site:
#BBKing #TheThrillIsGone #LiveAtMontreux' -metadata 'synopsis=Watch GIGS on Samsung TV Plus: Available to order now at

B.B. King is the greatest living exponent of the blues and considered by many to be the most influential guitarist of the latter part of the 20th century. His career dates back to the late forties and despite now being in his eighties he remains a vibrant and charismatic live performer. B.B. King has been a frequent visitor to the Montreux festival, appearing nearly 20 times, so choosing one performance was no easy task. This 1993 concert will surely rank as one of his finest at any venue. With a superb backing band and a great set list its a must for any blues fan.

The thrill is gone
The thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away
You know you done me wrong baby
And you'"'"'ll be sorry someday

The thrill is gone
It'"'"'s gone away from me
The thrill is gone baby
The thrill is gone away from me
Although, I'"'"'ll still live on
But so lonely I'"'"'ll be

The thrill is gone
It'"'"'s gone away for good
The thrill is gone baby
It'"'"'s gone away for good
Someday I know I'"'"'ll be open armed baby
Just like I know a good man should

You know I'"'"'m free, free now baby
I'"'"'m free from your spell
Oh I'"'"'m free, free, free now
I'"'"'m free from your spell
And now that it'"'"'s all over
All I can do is wish you well

Official site:
#BBKing #TheThrillIsGone #LiveAtMontreux' -metadata 'purl=' -metadata 'comment=' -metadata artist=GIGS -movflags +faststart -threads 8 file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.temp.mp3
[EmbedThumbnail] ffmpeg: Adding thumbnail to "/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.mp3"
[debug] ffmpeg command line: /app/bin/ffmpeg -y -loglevel repeat+info -i file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.mp3 -i file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.jpg -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -write_id3v1 1 -id3v2_version 3 -metadata:s:v 'title="Album cover"' -metadata:s:v 'comment=Cover (front)' -movflags +faststart -threads 8 file:/home/nlogozzo/Downloads/A.temp.mp3

Could you try to remove and reinstall the flatpak?

Could you try to remove and reinstall the flatpak?

When you remove the flatpak run sudo rm -rf /home/$(whoami)/.var/app/org.nickvision.tubeconverter before installing the flatpak again.

Otherwise we are unable to reproduce the issue.

Actually, although we cannot reproduce this issue...I might have found a fix...please stand by.

@sinthesizer Could you try running sudo update-ca-certificates on your system and try downloading again?

@sinthesizer Could you try running sudo update-ca-certificates on your system and try downloading again?


We've installed Linux Mint and tested the flatpak and again cannot reproduce the issue.

Try running that command above and ensure certificates are correctly set up on your system.

If aria2c isn't needed for you tho, I recommend turning it off and let yt-dlp use it's default downloader.