Fast underwater image enhancement using GANs. TensorFlow Implementation of FUnIE-GAN and UGAN.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Implementations of FUnIE-GAN for underwater image enhancement
  • Simplified implementations of UGAN and its variants (original repo)
  • Modules for quantifying image quality base on UIQM, SSIM, and PSNR
  • Implementation: TensorFlow >= 1.11.0, Keras >= 2.2, and Python 2.7
Perceptual enhancement Color and sharpness Hue and contrast
det-1a det-1b det-1c
Enhanced underwater imagery Improved detection and pose estimation
det-enh det-gif

FUnIE-GAN Features

  • Provides competitive performance for underwater image enhancement
  • Offers real-time inference on single-board computers
    • 48+ FPS on Jetson AGX Xavier, 25+ FPS on Jetson TX2
    • 148+ FPS on Nvidia GTX 1080
  • Suitable for underwater robotic deployments for enhanced vision

FUnIE-GAN Pointers


  • Download the data, setup data-paths in the training-scripts
  • Use paired training for FUnIE-GAN or UGAN, and unpaired training for FUnIE-GAN-up
    • Checkpoints: checkpoints/model-name/dataset-name
    • Samples: data/samples/model-name/dataset-name
  • Use the test-scripts for evaluating different models
    • A few test images: data/test/A (ground-truth: GTr_A), data/test/random (unpaired)
    • Output: data/output
  • Use the measure.py for quantitative analysis based on UIQM, SSIM, and PSNR
  • A few saved models are provided in saved_models/

Constraints and Challenges

  • Issues with unpaired training (as discussed in the paper)
    • Inconsistent coloring, inaccurate modeling of sunlight
    • Often poor hue rectification (dominant blue/green hue)
    • Hard to achieve training stability

Underwater Image Enhancement: Recent Research and Resources


Paper Theme Code Data
Multiscale Dense-GAN Residual multiscale dense block as generator
Fusion-GAN FGAN-based model, loss function formulation U45
UDAE U-Net denoising autoencoder
VDSR ResNet-based model, loss function formulation
JWCDN Joint wavelength compensation and dehazing
AWMD-Cycle-GAN Adaptive weighting for multi-discriminator training
WAug Encoder-Decoder Encoder-decoder module with wavelet pooling and unpooling GitHub
Water-Net Dataset and benchmark GitHub UIEBD


Paper Theme Code Data
UGAN Several GAN-based models, dataset formulation GitHub Uw-imagenet
Underwater-GAN Loss function formulation, cGAN-based model
LAB-MSR Multi-scale Retinex-based framework
Water-GAN Data generation from in-air image and depth pairings GitHub MHL, Field data
UIE-Net CNN-based model for color correction and haze removal

Non-deep Models

Reviews, Metrics, and Benchmarks
