"Simple" Guide to Hello World on Databricks

Documentation on Azure, Databricks and MLflow is fragmented and incomplete, but see below the steps to set up a "simple" hello world app.

Local install

Create a conda environment (you can use Pycharm Preferences for this) and install mlflow with pip

pip install mlflow

Documentation mentions that for Python3.x you might have to use pip3

After you have installed all dependencies, create a .yaml file of the conda environment: conda env export > environment.yml

If no conda environment is created and specified in the MLproject yaml file, then it will use a default conda environment which only contains python.

Experiment set up

You can follow the Azure Databricks documentation on how to create an experiment

Once this is done, get the Experiment ID from the UI (needed later on):


Cluster set up

Documentation recommends creating a new cluster for every job; for this example I used an existing cluster. To run the jon you need to create a .json file with the cluster specifications. If this is an existing cluster, you only need the cluster id which can be retrieved from the url in the clusters tab: cluster

documentation has details on all ids.

If you are creating a new cluster where the job will run you have to update the json file with exact specifications. Acceptable keys and definitions can be found here


Deployment expects to find MLproject; it's a file with yaml structure but no extention (similar to DOCKERFILE). You can set the run configurations here. The current example does not include any parameters as it is a simple Hello world. More examples can be found in the mlflow git repository

Once previous steps are done git commit to a repository.


You need to obtain a DataBricks token if you are not running this locally. Generate one following these instructions.

Once you have the token, you need to pass this to your local CLI so that it can send the request to the server. On the command line run:

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=databricks
export DATABRICKS_HOST=https://westeurope.azuredatabricks.net
export DATABRICKS_TOKEN="<token>"
mlflow run https://github.com/NickyFot/hello_databricks.git  -c cluster-spec.json --experiment-id "<Experiment-id>"