
neat is a ReAct-like agent accessing all sorts of data & APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


neat is a ReAct-like agent accessing all sorts of data & APIs

In case you were wondering how the agent does this.

Getting started

This project uses Poetry for dependency management. If you haven't installed Poetry yet, you can do so by following the instructions on the official website.

Sidenote: poetry >>> conda & pip.

Once you have Poetry installed, you have 2 options.

Include it in your dependencies

neat-ai-assistant = {git = "https://github.com/NickyHavoc/neat-demo.git", branch="main"}

Needless to say, you need poetry set up in your environment to do this.

Optionally, you can include some extra dependencies:

neat-ai-assistant = {git = "https://github.com/NickyHavoc/neat-demo.git", branch="main", extras = ["tool-extension"]}

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/NickyHavoc/neat-demo.git
cd neat-demo
poetry install

If you want to use some extra tools that require special dependencies you can install them like so:

poetry install -E tool-extension

Create your .env file

In order to set credentials to the api that should never be pushed to a repository, copy the file ".env_example", rename the copy to ".env" and paste your personal API tokens. At least, you must include your "OPENAI_API_KEY" here.

Launching the server


This guide assumes that you have already installed FastAPI and an ASGI server like Uvicorn, which is required to run a FastAPI application. If you haven't installed these yet, you can do so using poetry:

poetry add fastapi uvicorn

Navigate to Your Project Directory: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where your main.py file is located.

uvicorn main:app --reload

Once the server is running, you should see output in the terminal indicating that it's live. By default, the server will be available at You can use a tool like curl to interact with the API.

API Documentation: FastAPI automatically generates interactive API documentation for your server. You can visit it at This page will allow you to see all your endpoints and test them directly from the browser.


Simply navigate to the react-ui directory and start npm, like so:

cd react-ui
npm start

To learn more, check out the frontend-readme.

Run tests locally

To run tests use either of the following commands

pytest # this by default runs all tests in tests/
pytest -v # run all tests verbose (see which test is currently running)
pytest -s # run all tests and print whatever the code would print
pytest -x # run all tests and stop after first failure
pytest -vsx # all of the above


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.