
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Blazor devtools

This package attempts to help you find bad renderers and improve the performance of your blazor app, until (or if) Microsoft gives us an official solution.

📣 If you have used this package and has helped you improve your app but feel like it should have more features, please consider creating an issue.

What does this package do ?

This package just provides a new webassembly file to use:

  1. Exposes the browser renderer used by Blazor to track components.
  2. Intercepts all calls from .net to render.
  3. Draws a border around every element that is rendered on a canvas. (Just like the standard React Devtools)
  4. The border color is by default #f0f0f0 and grows warmer the more frequently the element is rerendered.

How to use

  1. Add the nuget package in your Client (wasm) project.
dotnet add package BlazorDevtools
  1. That's it. Run the app you will see every render of a component be outlined!

Nuget package page can be found here.

Samples / Demo