Primary LanguageJava



Clone the repository, make sure you have maven installed

   > git clone git@bitbucket.org:itba/sia-2015-07.git
   > sudo apt-get install maven


There is a copy of the executable binary in '/Executable' but if you want to make any change in the project and recompile you can run:

  > mvn clean package

Then look for the binary executable in target/tp1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


Run with a specific board, strategy and heuristic (optional).

   > cd < path to /SIA-TPE1/Executable >
   > java -jar tp1-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <boardX> <strategy> [heuristic]

The options for board are: board1, board2, board4, board5, board16, board18, board20, board21, board29, board32

The options for strategy are: bfs, dfs, deepiteration, greedy, astar

The options for heuristic (Optional) are: mindistance1, mindistance2, mindistance3, inpath, admissibleinpath, admissiblemindistance, admissiblecombination, notadmissiblecombination


To check how the algorithm worked, you can take a look at '/Solutions' where you will find all of the trees created in each run (you will need to have installed some tool to read .dot files). With blue is painted the solution branch, and with red are painted the branches that were pruned with the Default Heuristic if running an informed algorithm.


This project is maintained by Nicolás Buchhalter, Agustina Fainguersch and Francisco Depascuali.