
Gitter Error Tracking


Running local server

Git pre push hook

You can modify the script to run different scripts before you git push (e.g Rspec, Linters). Then you need to run the following:

  chmod +x script/
  ln -s ../../script/ .git/hooks/pre-push

You can skip the hook by adding --no-verify to your git push.

1- Installing Ruby

  • Clone the repository by running git clone
  • Go to the project root by running cd payment-escrow
  • Download and install Rbenv.
  • Download and install Ruby-Build.
  • Install the appropriate Ruby version by running rbenv install [version] where version is the one located in .ruby-version

2- Installing Rails gems

  gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
  rbenv rehash
  • Install basic dependencies if you are using Ubuntu:
  sudo apt-get install build-essential libpq-dev nodejs
  • Install all the gems included in the project.
  bundle -j 20

[Kickoff] Application Setup

Your app is ready. Happy coding!

Database Setup

Run in terminal:

  sudo -u postgres psql
  CREATE ROLE "payment-escrow" LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD 'payment-escrow';

Log out from postgres and run:

  bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate

Your server is ready to run. You can do this by executing rails server and going to http://localhost:3000. Happy coding!

Running with Docker

Read more here

Deploy Guide


If you want to deploy your app using Heroku you need to do the following:

  • Add the Heroku Git URL to your remotes
  • Push to heroku
	git remote add heroku-prod your-git-url
	git push heroku-prod your-branch:master

Amazon AWS with Capistrano

If you want to deploy your app using Amazon AWS and Capistrano you need to do the following:

Connect to the server and install the following libraries:

	sudo apt-get update
	sudo apt-get install git
	sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev libreadline-dev
	sudo apt-get install nodejs build-essential
	sudo apt-get install nginx
	sudo apt-get install unicorn
	sudo apt-get install vim

And then run the following locally using:

	bundle exec cap production nginx:setup
	bundle exec cap production unicorn:setup_initializer
	bundle exec cap production unicorn:setup_app_config
	bundle exec cap production postgresql:generate_database_yml_archetype
	bundle exec cap production postgresql:generate_database_yml

Then add the user and database to the database in the server:

  sudo su - postgres
  CREATE ROLE "your-username" LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD 'your-password';
  CREATE DATABASE "your-database" owner "your-username";

Before you deploy you need to add the ssh keys and deploy keys for Github. Run the following in your server:

  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

And then add the ~/.ssh/ key to a Deploy Key in your Github Repository.

Then you are ready to deploy our app:

  bundle exec cap production deploy

The postgresql task will ask for your database password but it will use some default values for the url and the username. If you want to modify them you should modify the files in db/database.yml, and shared/config/database.yml in the server.

To install Redis run the script here and then run:

  sudo apt-get install tcl8.5
  make test & make install
  sh utils/

After setting some configuration details (you can leave the defaults), the redis-server should be running

Don't forget to enable the ports you need in AWS. (e.g: ssh, http, https)

Environment variables should be loaded in the /etc/environment file. You may need to restart the server or sidekiq after this.


If you have an error while executing install_bundler capistrano task then modify the ~/.bash_profile as indicated here.

and run rbenv global with the version in .ruby-version


If Sidekiq start fails when you make the first deploy. You can comment the sidekiq lines in deploy.rb and Capfile during the first deploy.

Rollbar Configuration

Rollbar is used for exception errors report. To complete this configuration setup the following environment variables in your server


with the credentials located in the rollbar application.

If you have several servers with the same environment name you may want to difference them in Rollbar. For this set the ROLLBAR_ENVIRONMENT environment variable with your environment name.

Code Climate

Add your code climate token to .travis.yml or docker-compose.yml

Staging Environment

For the staging environment label to work, set the TRELLO_URL environment variable.

Google Analytics

Modified the XX-XXXXXXX-X code in the _google_analytics.html.slim file

SEO Meta Tags

Just add a the meta element to your view.

For example

  = meta title: "My Title", description: "My description", keywords: %w(keyword1 keyword2)

You can read more about it here


To run the static analyzer for security vulnerabilities run:

  bundle exec brakeman -z -i config/brakeman.ignore

PGHero Authentication

Set the following variables in your server.


And you can access the PGHero information by entering /pghero.


You can find more documentation in the docs folder. The documentation available is:


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Run rspec tests (bundle exec rspec spec -fd)
  5. Run scss lint (bundle exec scss-lint app/assets/stylesheets/)
  6. Run rubocop lint (bundle exec rubocop app spec -R)
  7. Push your branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create a new Pull Request


This project is maintained by Esteban Guido Pintos and it is written by Wolox.
