
Ruby gem that extends YAML to support file based inheritance

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Extends YAML to support file based inheritance.

That can be very handy to build a configuration hierachy.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'yaml_extend'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install yaml_extend

Common information

It is possible to build inheritance trees like:

  \        \        \
 dev.yml  int.yml  prod.yml

or like this:

default.yml   english.yml          default.yml   german.yml
         \    /                             \    /
          uk.yml                            de.yml

A file can inherit from as many as you want. Trees can be nested as deep as you want.

YAML files are deep merged. Two methods are supported:

  • :breadthfirst: the latest specified child file overwrites the former ones, uses deep_merge
  • :postorder : the tree is traversed in a postorder fashion, where the newer node gets merged into the existing merge, uses deep_merge! Array values are merged as well by default. You can specifiy this with the 3rd Parameter.

The files to inherit from are specified by the key 'extends:' in the YAML file. That key can be customized if you prefer another one. See the examples below.


yaml_extend adds the method YAML#ext_load_file to YAML.

This method works like the original YAML#load_file, by extending it with file inheritance.


Basic Inheritance

Given the following both files are defined:

# start.yml
extends: 'super.yml'
    name: 'Mr. Superman'
    age: 134
        - 'Raspberrys'
# super.yml
    name: 'Unknown'
    power: 2000
        - 'Bananas'
        - 'Apples'

When you then call #ext_load_file

config = YAML.ext_load_file 'start.yml'

the returned YAML value results in

    name: 'Mr. Superman'
    age: 134
    power: 2000
        - 'Bananas'
        - 'Apples'
        - 'Raspberrys'

Inherit from several files

If you want to inherit from several files, you can specify a list (Array) of files. They are merged from top to bottom, so the latest file "wins" - that means it overwrites duplicate values if they exist with the values in the latest file where they occur.

    - 'super_file.yml'
    - 'parent_file.yml'

Using custom extend key

If you don't want to use the default key 'extends:', you can specify your own custom key in two ways.

    - 'super_file.yml'
foo: 'bar'
1. Specify by parameter

You can specify the key by parameter, this is the way to go if you want to use the different key only once or you use the #ext_load_file method only once in your application.

config = YAML.ext_load_file 'custom1.yml', 'inherit_from'
2. Global configuration of the key

You can specify the key by configuration globally. So you only need to set the key once and not as parameter anymore

YAML.ext_load_key = 'inherit_from'
config = YAML.ext_load_file 'custom1.yml'
Reset the global key

To reset the global inheritance key, you can either set it to nil or call the #reset_load_key method.

YAML.reset_load_key # more readable
YAML.ext_load_key = nil # more explicit

Using custom nested extend key

    extend_file: 'super_file.yml'
    database: false
foo: 'bar'
config = YAML.ext_load_file 'custom2.yml', ['options','extend_file']


YAML#ext_load_file(yaml_path, inheritance_key='extends', extend_existing_arrays=true, config = {}, files: [], tree_traversal: :breadthfirst))

  • yaml_path relative or absolute path to yaml file to inherit from
  • inheritance_key you can overwrite the default key, if you use the default 'extends' already as part of your configuration. The inheritance_key is NOT included, that means it will be deleted, in the final merged file. Default: 'extends'
  • extend_existing_arrays Extends existing arrays in yaml structure instead of replacing them. Default: true
  • config only intended to be used by the method itself due recursive algorithm
  • files encountered files will be appended to this list
  • tree_traversal :breadthfirst or :postorder. Default: :breadthfirst


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/magynhard/yaml_extend. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.