✨ Introduction to Laravel

A local restaurant has seen a decline in the number of clients in the past year. They decided to hire a new chef, renovate the furniture and develop a new menu. They could wait a few months to see if the changes work, but they would like some feedback earlier. They ask you to build them a simple website to collect reviews from the new clients.

💭 Must-haves

  • 2 pages: Home, and Reviews
  • Homepage: a few pictures of the restaurant, and a menu with only 3 choices of meal, no drinks, and no desserts.
  • Reviews page: a form to collect reviews with: name of the reviewer (required), 1-5 star choice (required), comment (optional)
  • Reviews page will show the last 10 reviews submitted
  • Header of both pages will contain the restaurant's logo and the links to the two pages (Home and Reviews)
  • Footer of both pages will contain the restaurant's address and opening hours

🎓 Live Version Heroku

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👩🏻‍💻 License

This project is MIT licensed
© 2020 Nicol Saha