
Categories management module for MODX Evolution.

Primary LanguagePHP

Categories Manager

MODX Evolution Categories Management Module.

screenshot_1 screenshot_2


Use Package Manager or install manually:

1 Copy files to assets/modules/catmanager

2 Create a new module

Set name to "Categories Manager" or another name you like.

3 Set Module-Code to

include_once MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/modules/catmanager/module.php';

4 Set module-configuration to

&check_db_table=Check DB-table;list;true,false;true;;Set to false if column rank already exist in categories table.



This module need a new column(rank) within the core-table categories At the first run this column will set and every time you run the module a check for existens of this additional column will performed. So after the first run you can set this to false. To save the database-request for checking.

5 Save module



  • 2016-10-20 Make module compatible with MODX install script (pmfx)
  • 2016-10-15 Some refactoring and styling (pmfx)
  • 2009-11-10 Original v0.2.2-beta released by stefan


Module originaly created by stefan https://modx.com/extras/author/stefan