
Java architecture and JavaFX project.

How to compile and execute RestaurantManager?

Please note: you might get warnings regarding JavaFX runtime, they can be ignored, otherwise you will need JavFX v10.0.1
As this projet use a JDBC connector, it should be included into the classpath.
You will require a Java version (like 1.8) that has JavaFX, otherwise you should import it

First Method: Use the provided .sh scripts

If rights are not granted to execute the .sh scripts use: chmod +x Then you can launch the project using ./ that you will find at root of the project. After execution, scripts will clean the project from the .class files.

Second Method: Compile and Launch in Terminal

From the RestaurantManager folder, that you can access with cd RestaurantManager from the directory containing our project, execute the Unix command line: javac -cp src/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar $(find . -name "*.java") in order to compile the whole project. Now move to the src folder with cd src Then you can launch the app by doing java -cp .:lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar ui.GUI OPTIONNAL : If you want to clean the projet from the .class file, you can do: rm $(find . -name "*.class")