[Deprecated] Dagster Cloud Branch Deployments GitHub Action

Please use https://dagster.io/dagster-cloud-action

GitHub Actions to deploy code locations to Dagster Cloud and to manage Branch Deployments.


Want to get started right away, or look at a functional example for reference? We provide a quickstart template repo which you can use to get CI & branch deployments for your Cloud instance up and running quickly.


deploy Action

The deploy action can be used to deploy code to Dagster Cloud as part of a static Deployment (e.g. prod) or to dynamically-created Branch Deployments.

The deploy action assumes that a Docker image containing Dagster code has already been built and pushed to an image registry accessible by your Dagster Cloud agent.

Updating Code on Static Deployment

To update code for a single, fixed deployment (e.g. prod), you must pass the deployment to the deploy action directly.

- name: Deploy to Production
  uses: dagster-io/cloud-branch-deployments-action/deploy@v0.2.4
  id: deploy
    organization_id: pied-piper
    deployment: prod
    location: ${{ toJson(matrix.location) }}
    image_tag: ${{ github.sha }}

Updating Branch Deployment

To create or update a branch deployment for a given PR, you should instead pass information about the PR itself.

- name: Deploy to Branch Deployment
  uses: dagster-io/cloud-branch-deployments-action/deploy@v0.2.4
  id: deploy
    organization_id: pied-piper
    pr: "${{ github.event.number }}"
    pr_status: "${{ github.event.pull_request.merged && 'merged' || github.event.pull_request.state }}"
    location: ${{ toJson(matrix.location) }}
    image_tag: ${{ github.sha }}

notify Action

The optional notify action updates a status message on a Pull Request with the build and deploy status of your Dagster Cloud code locations.

In our sample workflow, it is invoked at the start of the build process to mark the build as pending and after the build marks it as complete or failed.