
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Watcher is a skill that allows you to manage your movies using playlists. You can request a film of your choice or find out what you have watched recently.

This project is realized within the framework of a Web Intelligence course by Martin Cayuelas, Nicolas Guary, Nathan Guillaud, Théo Ponthieu.




  • Random movies

  • Listen to the synopsis of this last one

  • Watch this last one

  • Add it to the waiting list

With choice

  • Search for information on a film of your choice

  • Watch a movie of your choice

  • Add a film of your choice to the waiting list

  • Ask for another movie if the last request is not suitable

  • Request current popular movies


  • Know how many movies the user has watched and how many movies he has left on his waiting list.

Movies Seen

  • Firts movie seen
  • Last movie seen
  • All movies seen

Movies in the waiting list

  • All films in waiting
  • Give Y movies to watch

Usage And Setup

To use and install, first of all you must clone the project

git clone https://github.com/MartinCayuelas/watcher.git
cd watcher

#f03c15 You must install ask-cli and have Node.js (node --versionto see) on your computer. Follow the link: https://developer.amazon.com/docs/smapi/quick-start-alexa-skills-kit-command-line-interface.html

#f03c15 After that, you need to have an account on AWS and one other on Alexa console developper. You need your AWS credentials (Key and private key). After that, use VSCode for example: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/fr_fr/toolkit-for-vscode/latest/userguide/welcome.html

#f03c15 In the terminal, run ask init to create your profile and save your credentials. Once completed, do ask deploy and this should start the deployment. A skill will be created and an associated lambda and the /.ask/config file will contain the information.

#f03c15 To finish it will be necessary to set up your database on AWS with DynamoDB. To do this, you need:

  • Your userID (retrievable with aws iam get-user --user-name YourUserName)
  • The database tables:
    • TableName: watcher
    • columns: idClient (int), MoviesToSee (List[String]), MoviesSeen (List[String])

#f03c15 Finally an account on TMDB (https://www.themoviedb.org) and create your API key to put in an .envfile at the root / project ( API_KEY=YourKeyOfTheApi)