=== PWD Theme Switcher === Contributors: plateforme-wp-digital, nicolaskulka Author URI: http://www.plateformewpdigital.fr Plugin URL: http://www.plateformewpdigital.fr/plugins/pwd-theme-switcher Requires at Least: 3.2 Tested Up To: 4.2.2 Tags: changer, presentation, preview, preview theme, selector, adminbar, switcher, template, theme, theme preview, theme switcher, themes, themeswitcher Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Change theme to see your changes without saving it just for your session.
== Description ==
= English = Change theme to see your changes without saving it just for your session
If you love the plugin, please consider rating it and clicking on "it works" button.
= Français = Switcher facilement de thème pour voir vos modifications sans le changer en backoffice et l'enregistrer.
Si vous aimez le plugin, laisser une évaluation et cliquer sur le bouton «it works».
= Localization =
- French
- English
= My Links =
Twitter @plateformewp
Facebook Plateforme WP Digital
Google+ Plateforme WP Digital
Twitter @KulkaNicolas
Google+ Nicolas Kulka
== Installation ==
= English =
- Upload the directory
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- In admin bar, change your theme
= Français =
- Envoyez le dossier pwd-theme-switcher dans le dossier /wp-content/plugins/
- Activez PWD Theme Switcher sur la page des plugins de WordPress
- Dans l'admin bar, modifier votre thème
== Screenshots ==
- Change your theme
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
- This is the first version