Futsal Ultimate Manager (Frontend - React)

Nico linkedin Nico github

Basic info about the project

Lint typescript react prettier mui tailwind

Link to site: https://www.futsal-manager.tech (Note: Feel free to use a tmp mail when trying it out: https://mail.tm/en/)

The Futsal Ultimate Manager is a project consisting of a frontend built with React Typescript and a backend built with Django. The backend code can be found on Github, while the frontend code can be found here in this repo.

Code Overview

The project is built with Typescript and the React framework, making use of the Material UI (MUI) library for it's out of the box styled components. Additionally, making use of Tailwind CSS with a custom override. The code is formatted using the popular Prettier tool, making the codebase readable and easy to maintain.

The routing of the application is handled with React Routers, while form logic is managed by Formik. To store local data, the project utilizes the React Redux library. For authorization HTTP-only cookies are used. To maintain code consistency, the project makes use of Github Actions to run Prettier.


The project is hosted on DigitalOcean's App Platform. For more information about the deployment, visit: Deployment.

Future improvements

  • Add tests.
  • Implement everything backend has to offer.
  • Improve mobile expierence