
ESLint extension plugin for ES5 plugin users who want better differentiation between jQuery or Lodash functions and ES6 methods.

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ESLint extension plugin for ES5 plugin users who want better differentiation between jQuery and Lodash functions and ES6 methods.


Sometimes someone uses the great eslint-plugin-es5 and jQuery or Lodash at the same time and get irritated by all those false errors.

Like the following message:

error  ES6 methods not allowed: find  es5/no-es6-methods

when using something like this:

// or
_.find([1, 2, 3]);
// or even

which are of course not ES6 methods but Lodash and jQuery functions and therefore perfectly fine in an ES5 context.

That's why I took the pull request by Nikita Chuklinov, added support for nested jQuery functions, and turned it into its own plugin. It extends eslint-plugin-es5 by turning off the original es5/no-es6-methods rule and adding es5-jquery-lodash/no-es6-methods instead.


npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-es5-jquery-lodash


Add the plugin to your .eslintrc:

	"plugins": ["es5", "es5-jquery-lodash"]

And then switch out the rule in question like this:

	"rules": {
		"es5/no-es6-methods": "off",
		"es5-jquery-lodash/no-es6-methods": "error"

Or just use the preset which does all of that for you:

	"extends": [ ..., "plugin:es5-jquery-lodash/recommended"]

List of supported rules


Forbid ES2015 methods for Array and String, while ignoring Lodash and jQuery functions. You can also allow specific ES6 methods. For example: "es5-jquery-lodash/no-es6-methods": ["error", { exceptMethods: ["includes"] }]
