This project was created in order to obtain a bachelor's degree in computer science at Universidade de Caxias do Sul.

You can find the full paper here (in portuguese).

And you can access the application here


Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that the concepts and algorithms discussed are used in different areas of knowledge.

This project aimed the development of an application capable of simulating the visualization of some of the main graph algorithms (Dfs, Bfs, Dijkstra, Floyd-Warshall, Bellman-Ford, Prim and Kruskal), to contribute to the learning of students who are studying this area.

An application that allows the creation of graphs and the visualization of the execution of the algorithms through its pseudocode has been implemented.

To develop the software the D3.js library was used, used in implemention of the graph creations, React Js library, used in applications’s front-end and the programming language TypeScript, used to implement the algorithms.

The implemention was based on the application Python Tutor, a platform for line-by-line visualization of code execution, this way all execution is stored and the result is presented to the user by the end of execution.

The application has been validated by the students of Computer Science of Universidade de Caxias do Sul and had the approval of the students to use it with the attendance of a professor.