
A basic auto-complete list which will be updated dynamically while the user types in a search box. The result will be comprised of products displayed ina table. Stack: React Hooks, Material-UI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Autocomplete App

This project was created with React Hooks, Typescript & Material UI.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.\

You may serve it with a static server:

### `npm install -g serve`
### `serve -s build`

or just run  

### `npx serve build`


  • Product feed file (products.csv) is parsed and converted into JSON by means of the react-papaparse library in a useEffect hook in the App component. Alternatively, it could have been processed and served through a mock server like json server, the data fetched in the same useEffect hook and the date fed to the local state in the same way.

  • The app is a PWA, and has been optimized bringing lighthouse report values to high scores (96, 98, 100, 100). Further optimization can still be made to bring all values to a 100.

  • Testing has been implemented with Jest and Enyzme. Spnapshot tests and a selection of functionality tests have been implemented. Further tests can still be implemented with more time.

Components and functionality

  • Search component filters by product name and price.
  • Dynamic pagination implemented with options to display from 5 to 200 rows per page.
  • Rows display required info and is expandable showing a photo gallery of the product

Optional features

  • gender filter implemented.
  • sale_price checkbox filter implemented.
  • images are natively lazy loaded by browsers
  • Being a PWA loaded images are cached and are accessible offline served by the service worker.