Una implementación de e-commercer para Te de Tetera por estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile
Te de Tetera's e-commerce implementation assignment by Metropolitan University of Technology's undergraduated students
La información de como funciona e instala la siguiente aplicación estará detallada desde este punto, si quieres ver el demo implementado con Heroku utilizando a su vez un servidor de amazon web services AWS.
Detailed information about how to use this demo
Explain about how this demo works on this Heroku site implementation demo
We are developing a Full-Stack web app with MEVN MongoDB Express.js Vue.js Node.js focusing in a noSQL ecommerce web app, using Vue.js as client side frontend, solving api request using express.js and mongoDB to fetch our requests.
How to install it:
First, you have to understand that you have to run the following task concurrently.
In order to install server packages from packages.json you have to write the following instruction
npm install
Now, if everything install correctly, you have to run the following command in order to run the server API
npm run dev
You should get the following terminal output:
Second, you have to install the packages for Frontend side of the web application
cd client
npm install
Once installed you're ready to check and modify the code as you want by running this command concurrently in another terminal
npm run serve
You should get the following terminal output:
- Creating Express and MongoDB connection
- Mongo Atlas connection
- noSQL documents and collections
- Creating API
- Vue frontend
- Testing
- Test 1
- Vue init
- Vuex implementation
- axios request
- Vue routing
- Vue frontend
- Testing
- Test 1
Special thanks to Te de Tetera, to our professor Patricia Mellado and our team for making this project successfull
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Nicolas Perez Roa 💻 🤔 🌍 📆 | vabustamantem 🎨 💻 | Sebastián Nicolás Salazar Pulgar 💻 🤔 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!