DevSecOps Bootcamp: Scan Docker Images using Trivy with GitLab CI/CD Pipeline

Project Details

Part 1: Update GitLab CI/CD pipeline to perform Docker image scanning using Trivy. Part 2: Update GitLab CI/CD pipeline to automate upload of Trivy image scan results to DefectDojo.

Table of contents

Technologies Used

Trivy, Git, GitLab CI, Docker, AWS ECR, Python, DefectDojo

Project Description:

Part 1

  • Create new job in GitLab CI/CD pipeline that :
    • Pulls the Docker image from private AWS ECR b.
    • Runs Trivy image scan on the image
    • Fails Trivy job only if high or critical level security findings are detected

Part 2

  • Update Trivy job to export image security findings report as pipeline artifact
  • Update Python script to automatically upload Trivy security findings to DefectDojo
  • Update Upload Reports job to execute Python upload script for Trivy scan reports

Initial Project

This project build on previous one: GitHub It uses OAWSP Juice Shop vulnerable application as the application code: Juice Shop Screenshot Slideshow


The contributors to this project are:


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license.