This application is made to run using a Java Http Server as a dependency. The application adheres to FitNess Cob Spec acceptance criteria.
This project encorporates Gradle as a build tool. Gradle provides a wrapper feature which allows you to run Gradle commands without having Gradle installed by using the gradlew
command when a wrapper is present.
From your desired file location, clone the repo
git clone
Then cd
into the application's root directory
cd CobSpecServerApp.git
From there, you will need to build the application, which will enable you to use the jar file provided as a dependency and stored in Clojars
gradlew build
To run the unit tests from the root directory, type
./gradlew test
The Cob Spec tests can be run using the instructions in the Cob Spec repo. When editing the server information, your path variable* will be
<pathToApplication>/CobSpecServerApp/libs/CobSpecServerApp-0.1.0.jar -p 5000 -d public
The p flag indicates that the application will run on port 5000 and the d flag specifies that public files are located in the public directory, so the directory variable* should look as such
define PUBLIC_DIR {./public/}
*be sure to remove the dashes in front of the variable declarations