
Simple CDN example powered by Github pages + tutorial.

Primary LanguageHTML

Use Github pages as CDN

Step 1: create a repository

Create a remote repository on Github then clone it.

git clone [http or ssh link to your repo]

Or push your existing code from a local repo.

git remote add origin [http or ssh link to your repo]
git push -u origin master

Add a file such as an index.html at the root of your project folder.

Step 2: set up Github pages

  • Go to the Setting of your repository on Github and then go to Pages.
  • Select the branch you want to use for your page (e.g. master).
  • Press Save.

When the Github page will be deployed, go to https://[yourusername].github.io/[yourreponame].

Step 3: link files of your CDN to your projects

Let's say we have this file structure in our repository:

    |_  index.html
    |_  my_style.css
    |_  my_script.js

In other projects, you can use your styles and scripts as such:

    <!-- for css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://[yourusername].github.io/[yourreponame]/my_style.css">

    <!-- for js -->
    <script src="https://[yourusername].github.io/[yourreponame]/my_script.js"></script>