
Serverless basic setup with AWS lamdba

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Serverless example

This project provides basic serverless configuration.


  • Lambda
  • IAM roles
  • SNS
  • SQS
  • SES
  • DynamoDB
  • StepFunctions
  • EventBridge

To test http lambdas You can start serverless-offline running following command:

npm run serverless:offline

To deploy the app on AWS:

npm run deploy:dev

REMEMBER TO ADD AWS Credentials before deployment

In .vscode there is launch.json configuration which enables http lambdas debugging. To mock/play with sns event offline You need to install https://www.npmjs.com/package/serverless-offline-sns and configure it properly.

To use SQS offline You have to use elasticMQ image (https://github.com/softwaremill/elasticmq)

To use DynamoDb offline follow instructions from https://www.serverless.com/plugins/serverless-dynamodb-local and install database locally (look into package.json).

To test serverless offline there is postman collection available in postman folder. If You want to test Api Gateway just switch URL and request properties/bodies etc.

To send email from AWS in AWS SES section add email to verified identities. Then adjust request body.

DLQ (dead letter queue) - Works only deployed + only for async methods (SNS, SQS etc.)

Step functions work offline and online to trigger them use lambda designated for that.

Event bridge example provides lambda to trigger every event bus that You wish, just pass proper body in http request. Given example presents 4 lambda consumers for event bridge consumer 1-2 work for one pattern and consumer 3-4 works for the other patter.