👋 Hi there!

  • 😊 I’m Niduka Akalanka
  • 👦🏻 I'm 19 years old
  • 👀 I’m interested in HTML,CSS,Javascript,Node,Python and...
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning GCE A/level Engineering Technology with ICT @ R/Sivali Central College, Rathnapura, LK
  • 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on building websites and web apps, creating chat bots, Linux server operations and...
  • 😎 See what I've done thus far at https://nidukaakalanka.me/
  • 📫 Email me via admin@nidukaakalanka.me to contact
  • 🤩 Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/niduka_akalanka_/
  • 💬 Text me on telegram https://t.me/NidukaAkalanka

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