Python&GAMMA based interfermetry toolbox.

Primary LanguagePython


(Python&GAMMA based interfermetry toolbox)

###Bratch processing for generating Interferograms based on python and GAMMA.

Available SAR sensors: ERS, ASAR, ALOS-1/2, Sentinal-1A/B, TSX, ...

####If you want to make the scripts work smoothly, you should obey the following rules :

#####1) $SCRATCHDIR and $TEMPLATEDIR should be available in your system environment. $SCRATCHDIR for processing, $TEMPLATEDIR for template files:
setenv SCRATCHDIR /Users/Yunmeng/Documents/SCRATCH
setenv TEMPLATEDIR /Users/Yunmeng/Documents/development/TEMPLATEDIR

#####2) The correct folders' format should be:
$SCRATCHDIR/PROJECTNAME/SLC (SLC folder should be available!!!)

#####3) ifgramDir should be named like:


If you set all the above OK, then these scripts shoul work for you! If you can share some advices or ideas about python, GAMMA, InSAR processing ..., I would be very grateful and very glad to communicate with you!

Wish these scripts can help you for InSAR processing!! Enjoy it! Any advices or problems would be very welcomed! Do not hesitate to contact me: ymcmrs@gmail.com

March 10, 2017 Yunmeng