
An example bot callback server written in node.js and hosted on Heroku.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a groupme bot for the Turing 2020 groupme. To add a handler to the command router (rt) in bot.js. While you can add functionality, I will need to redeploy the app for it to be implemented. If you want to help on this project, current goals include:

[X] Refactor the code so that it is even easier to write your own commands

[X] Add a database/database functionality so that we can store data between deployments - allowing us to do things like have a add quote command.

[ ] Figure out how to set up a markov chain using said database so that we can have an imitate command for different people in chat.

[X] Figure out the xkcd node API so that we can parse comic names and hover-over texts. Also, we could use this to prevent the bot with returning invalid images if the comic could not be found.

[ ] Preform a critter battle - users can submit critters through some other source and add them to a database. People can then request two existing critters to battle one another and the bot will return the winner. A good way to decide arguments. Note - this will be challenging (probably) and might not be of much interest, but I think it would be cool.

[ ] Figure out how to write a method where the bot can be activated or deactivated off of a password that either changes after each use, or find some other way to direct message the bot, telling it to turn on and off.

[X] Auto generate help method - this could be related to refactoring. I am not sure about the best way to do this.

[ ] Adding more features! We could always use more commands for the bot.

Even if you are uncomfortable with javascript/don't have the time to implement features, let me know what you would want to see implemented.