This microservice example are using Db2, and gives the simple starting point for building microservices fast and easy.
Here I am using the idb-pconnector for simplicity. However, I suggest you are looking into using the ODBC but that is a little more complicated to set up.
I always use bash as my default shell. You can set that once and for all from ACS Run SQL script with:
CALL QSYS2.SET_PASE_SHELL_INFO('*CURRENT', '/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash');
On IBM i you will need the open source in you path (and a nice prompt). So if you don't have a .profile yet, then:
ssh MY_IBM_I
echo 'PATH=/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.profile
echo 'PS1="\h-\$PWD:\n"' >> $HOME/.profile
For the shell you can also Click SSH Terminal in ACS or use a terminal like putty
(or you can even use call qp2term – but I suggest that you get use to ssh)
From the terminal we need to install some open source tooling:
ssh MY_IBM_I
yum install git
This demo also requires (at least) nodejs12
yum install nodejs12
This application is in the git repo - so let's clone it:
mkdir /prj
cd /prj
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone
Now it time to install the projects dependencies in the project folder:
cd /prj/nodejs-express-demo
npm install
We are ready for next step: Install the database:
Open ACS
Click Run SQL script
Click file
Click open
open IFS Stream
Enter the name: /prj/nodejs-express-demo/demo.sql
(or you can copy/paste demo.sql file into you ACS Run SQL script editor)
Run each step in the script one-by-one. When the database is ready, jump back to your ssh session:
Now you can try the Db2 microservice
node demo.js
... It's that easy