
Simple library for MPU6050 on Lopy4

Primary LanguagePython


Simple library for MPU6050 on LoPy4 with micropython

Slightly adapted from adamjezek98

To be able to import the library place it in a dir named lib/ on the LoPy4
Note: You need to upload the library file to the LoPy using "upload" in PyMakr before you can import in in scripts.

SDA connected to pin P9, SCL to pin P10 (note: This was wrong in an earlier version)
example usage:

from machine import I2C, Pin
import mpu6050

i2c = I2C()
accelerometer = mpu6050.accel(i2c)
while True:
    vals = accelerometer.get_values()
Out: {'GyZ': -41, 'GyY': -113, 'GyX': 644, 'Tmp': 25.33, 'AcZ': -2588, 'AcY': 8, 'AcX': 17612}

Accelerometer/Gyroscope values are in int16 range (-32768 to 32767)
If the mpu6050 loses power, you have to call init() again