
Read the output of Kamstrup Omnipower HAN-slot with a Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266-based MCU), Decrypt the incoming data using the two keys you got from Radius (Copenhagen-area DSO), connect to Wi-Fi, and publish the data to a MQTT broker of your choice.

Primary LanguageC

Wemos D1-based HAN-module for Kamstrup Omnipower smart meter

This will probably only work for Radius customers in the greater Copenhagen area

Here's what we do:

  • Connect to Wi-Fi and MQTT,
  • Read the output of Kamstrup Omnipower HAN-slot with a Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266-based MCU),
  • Decrypt the incoming data using the two keys you got from Radius (Copenhagen-area DSO),
  • Publish the data to a MQTT broker of your choice.

Note: You need to write to kundesupport@radiuselnet.dk to get your decryption keys

Hookup guide:

  1. Rename secrets.h.TEMPLATE to secrets.h and insert your WiFi, MQTT, and Key information
  2. Upload sketch to Wemos
  3. Connect pin: Wemos G pin <-> Kamstrup HAN slot top left pin
  4. Connect pin: Wemos D5 pin <-> Kamstrup HAN slot top middle pin
  5. Power the Wemos through USB charger
  6. Subscribe to your MQTT broker and do what ever you want with it

If you're using the super-cap buffer

Super cap buffer

Sorry in advance for the soldering gore. The power output of the omnipower is throttled to 75mA, which is not enough to scan or send over wifi. But we can use a super cap buffer to accumulate enough power between each send.

I'll add instructuions on how to build the simple super cap buffer at some point. It's a 5F cap and a couple of schottky diodes.


  1. Connect: Buffer VCC_in <-> Kamstrup HAN slot bottom left pin
  2. Connect: Buffer G_in <-> Kamstrup HAN slot top left pin
  3. Connect: Buffer VCC_out <-> Wemos 5V pin
  4. Connect: Buffer G_out <-> Wemos G pin
  5. Connect: Kamstrup HAN slot top middle pin to Wemos D5 pin


Adapted from Claustn to use SoftwareSerial instead of a second UART, to make it work with my Wemos D1 Mini. Claustn adapted his code from Asbjoern whose repo has many more features than this little thing.