This Demo was uploading image and video file using multer middleware.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
- POST /api/v1/upload - Upload a video
- GET /api/v1/getallvideos - Get all videos
- GET /api/v1/getvideo - Get a video
- POST /api/v1/startrecording - Start recording a video
- POST /api/v1/sendRecording - Send recording in chunks
- GET /api/v1/stream/video_1695992150444 Stream a video bits by bit
Open Postman and create POST request for image upload
URL will be localhost:3000/upload
select Body in menus then select form-data
Change key name as a video and select video file
(file will be only mp4|mpeg-4)
Send the request
Live URL will be
The save video endpoint is a post request you only need to send back your video as formdata
send a post request to the video saves for you automatically
To view the video, send a get request to this end point
To check how to works view documentation on postman, import the collection into postman