It is a game based on Vim. It is meant both to teach people new to Vim aswell as to sharpen the skills of people that already are vim-literate.
- Game-modes: Several game-modes for learning and becoming better at vim.
- Tracking: Score, time and step-tracking.
- Level Editor: Make your own levels. It is just an other vim-mode!
Most of the basic moves that are hard for a beginner to master and for veterans not to get sloppy with.
- char (hjkl)
- word (bwe)
- line (^0$)
- find-move. (fF)
- Replace (R, r)
- delete (d)
- Everything mentioned except f-move.
All contributions are apprisiated. Make levels in the editor or give me some code to implement more vim-moves and -modes.
- Download the zip and unzip the whole thing to where you want to store it.
- Start "KingOfVim.jar" inside the folder.
- Press enter when the menu screen has appeared.
- Go to the main menu
- Press F5 to enter the editor and F5 again to exit
The editor is used just like vim with an extra mode - called buildMode - and some editor-specific F-keys.
- Important notes
- Use replace-mode to enter your own text as insert-mode still dosnt work properly
- Save often, as there is as of yet no undue-button.
Build mode is entered from normal mode with TAB and exited with ESC. Char-moves work in this mode, but to do word-moves shift needs to be held down. This holds true for other moves as well.
Pressing the same key again cycles through LetterTypes.
w - white, white_green
r - red
b - black
y - yellow
e - empty (clear cell)
F1 - saves the current matrix to a new save
F1 + shift - overwrites the current save with the current matrix
F3 - cycles backgroundtext
F4 - sets cursor spawning point for the level
F5 - back to main menu
F7 - load previous save
F8 - load next save
F10 - opens dialog for setting level mecanics (gravity, win-condition etc.)
F11 - gravity in editor (switch)
F12 - testMode (switch)
As soon as you start playing a .csv-file is created in your game folder. (In game stats and high-scores are coming very soon).
They are in yourPath/gameFolder/levels/builder/
Make a poll request, and I shall try to add it. If you want to write it yourself feel free. I will add it.