
Simple backend API for renting cars

Primary LanguageJava

Car Rental Project


It is a simple backend api of car rental service written in Java with use of Hibernate Framework and Spark framework with a simple database in SQLite.

Api provides: adding, editing, deleting, fetching cars as well as users. Single car can be rented once until return. Client can rent multiple cars, where history of rented cars is stored with rent and return date.

Database Schema

The database is constructed of three tables with corresponding entities in code: Car, Client and RentedCar which is also presented in a schema below.


Available Endpoints

Here is a list of all available endpoints with short descriptions. Testing requests for Postman can be found in the workspace by using button below.

Run in Postman

All routes have a root path /api meaning that accessing for e.g. resource x would be described by http://url.com/api/x

All responses have Content-Type set to aplication/json, and all specified 4XX responses have json message.

Deleting client or car will delete all of their history.

GET /car - return all cars stored with code 200 or empty array if none found.

GET /car/:id- returns car specified by :id with code 200 or 404 if car not found.

POST /car - adds new car using query parameters brand and model, returns code201 with created resource or 400 if invalid parameters were set.

PATCH /car/:id - updates existing car specified by :id using query parameters brand and model, returns 200 with resource or 404 if car not found.

DELETE /car/:id - removes car specified by :id, returns 204 or 404 if car not found.

GET /client - return all clients with code 200 or empty array if none found. If given query parameters firstName and lastName will lookup for record and return 200 if found or 404 if not.

GET /client/:id - return client specified by :id with code 200 or 404 if client not found.

POST /client - adds new client using query parameters firstName and lastName, return code 201 with created resource or 400 if invalid parameters were set.

PATCH /client/:id - updates existing client specified by :id using query parameters firstName and lastName, returns 200 with resource or 404 if client not found.

DELETE /client/:id - removes client specified by :id, returns 204 or 404 if client not found.

GET /rental - return all rented cars history with code 200 or empty array if none found.

GET /rental/:id - returns a record specified by:id with code 200 or 404 if record not found.

POST /rental - rents a car using query parameters carId and clientId, returns 200 and a resource. Returns 404 if identifiers were wrong or 400 if selected car is already rented.

POST /rental/:id - return a car using :id given when renting car, returns 200 and updated record or 404 if record not found.


Java 10+ is required to run packaged file. To build JDK in same version as well as IDE with maven.


To run application simply download the latest release from github releases and run command

 > java -jar Car_Rental_Project.jar

If not provided with sqlite.db will create it in where it was run. The sqlite.db can be provided int the same folder as running folder meaning that if app was run in C:/Folder the database should be in C:Folder.

Application in runtime prints log into the console, such as starting configuration or accessing specific endpoint with corresponding method.


To build app yourself import this project into any IDE that provides maven as maven project, allow it to download all dependencies and execute default build. Also mvn clean build can be used.