
NiftyMinter is an innovative NFT minting tool designed to seamlessly integrate with the Ravencoin blockchain. It allows users to mint, manage, and trade NFTs effortlessly, providing an interactive and user-friendly interface.


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Nifty Minter™

Ravencoin's premier Discord Bot for minting and trading NFTs. Get detailed information on digital assets, market data, and the NFT ecosystem. Easily create, trade, and manage NFTs securely with Ravencoin's blockchain technology. Join Nifty Minter™ to explore and participate in the innovative world of NFTs on Ravencoin.

If you would like to invite this bot into your discord without having to code, and connect into NiftyRaven like space docking. ;) https://niftyraven.com/

NiftyMinter is an innovative NFT minting tool designed to seamlessly integrate with the Ravencoin blockchain. It allows users to mint, manage, and trade NFTs effortlessly, providing an interactive and user-friendly interface. This tool was tested by the community, and the features in it were recommended by the community.


Anyone can contribute to the release notes, especially if you are part of the following entities or projects:

  • MangoFarm 🅁🅅🄽 ₿ (@MangoFarmAssets)
  • unclear0122 (@unclear0122)
  • X-Solus Ravencoin Explorer - Overview (cryptoscope.io)
  • Rocket Raven (@RocketRavenNet) / IGraffIt.com
  • Ravencoin Asset Explorer (asset-explorer.net)
  • Grafana (rvn-dashboard.com)

If you would like to contribute, please visit the GitHub repository and submit your pull request: NiftyRaven/Nifty-Minter-v2.0-beta.2---Open-Source


Nifty Minter™ offers a variety of features to enhance your NFT experience on Ravencoin:

  • Mint NFTs: Create your own unique NFTs with ease.
  • Manage Assets: Keep track of your digital assets with detailed information and market data.
  • Trade NFTs: Buy and sell NFTs securely using Ravencoin's blockchain technology.
  • Market Data: Access up-to-date information about the NFT ecosystem and Ravencoin market.

Neat Tools Integrated with Nifty Minter™

This tool uses other great tools on #Ravencoin like:

Customization and Forking

Forking this code allows you to create your own Discord bot with the following capabilities:

  • Listing assets
  • Minting NFTs
  • Retrieving information about assets
  • Providing Ravencoin market data

You can customize the bot by:

  • Removing features as noted by comments within the code
  • Replacing API keys
  • Replacing the Discord bot key
  • Updating the config file info

Multi-Guild Listing

The Discord bot allows multiple guilds to list assets within a central Discord, linked through an announcement channel that can be followed within their Discord.

Donation Addresses

If you find this software useful and would like to support the development and maintenance of NiftyMinter, please consider donating to the following addresses:

Thank you for your support and contributions!

Stay awesome. keep minting, and be Nifty!