
Network Programming Lab

Primary LanguagePython

TCP - "Web Scraper" Application


The client-server-based console app “Web_Scraper”. With the next abilities:

Get statistical data:

  • Calculate the number of pictures in the webpage

  • Calculate the number of the leaf paragraphs in the webpage


Create console-based app with two roles server and the client. The server must be started and wait the request from the client. Server must produce the web scraping of the webpage to get two parameters:

  • The number of pictures and the number of the leaf paragraphs. The leaf paragraphs in HTML document represents only the last paragraphs in the nested paragraphstructures. The client must send the request to the server to get the proper answer. The client has options page (- p) to get the statistical data. All the calcluation must be done on the server side


Clone repository into your directory:

git clone https://github.com/NigarHajiyeva/Web_Scraper

Install requirements for this application:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To use this application, open 2 terminal tabs for Server and Client. For Server, run following command:

In this application host and port given by default: HOST: PORT: 6543

python3 web_scrap.py server

For Client, use the following commands:

  python3 web_scrap.py client -p [URL]

For example:

 python3 web_scrap.py client -p www.pcworld.com

To stop server, head to Server terminal and press Ctrl+C (Linux OS), Ctrl+Pause/Break (Windows OS) in terminal.