
Solutions for the book "Elements of Programming Interviews", written in JS and TS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These are my current solutions to Elements of Programming Interviews, written in Javascript and Typescript. I'm currently working on updating all solutions into Typescript. A disjoint set of problems done in Python can be found here: EPI-Py

How to run

After cloning the directory, prepare it with:

npm install

To run the included unit tests:

npm run test:watch


Primitive Types

Problem Test
Computing the parity of a word tests

Arrays and Strings


Problem Test
The Dutch national flag problem tests
Compute the Spiral Ordering of a 2D Array tests


Problem Test
Interconvert Strings and Integers tests
Replace and Remove tests

Linked Lists

Problem Test
Merge two sorted lists tests
Cycle Detection tests

Stacks and Queues


Problem Test
Implement a stack with max API tests


Problem Test

Binary Trees

Problem Test
Traversal of binary trees tests


Problem Test
Merging k sorted arrays tests


Binary Search

Problem Test
Finding the first element larger than k tests

Generalized Search

Problem Test

Hash Tables

Problem Test
Checking if the characters of string A can form string B tests


Problem Test
Find the intersection of two sorted lists tests

Binary Search Trees

Problem Test
Determine is a tree is a BST tests


Problem Test

Dynamic Programming

Problem Test
Find the edit distance between two strings tests

Greedy Algorithms and Invariants

Problem Test


Problem Test
Solve a maze tests

Parallel Computing

Problem Test

Design Problems

Problem Test

Honors Class

Problem Test

Structures and Algorithms

Type Test
Binary Tree tests
Binary Search Tree tests
Graph Search tests
Hashtable tests
Binary Heap tests
Linked List tests
Tree Node tests
Sorts tests
Trie tests