
Bradley University 2021 Game Design Capstone Project

Primary LanguageC#

Space Uber Senior Game Capstone at Bradley University

Project Build Status:

Coding Guidelines

Naming conventions for scripts are based on this link: raywenderlich/c-sharp-style-guide: C# Style Guide for Unity Tutorials
The last 3 sections don’t apply. I also don’t care about line length, just make it readable.

Branch & Pull Request Guidelines

This information on branches and pull requests:

  • Master
    • Stable verison of the game
    • Will only merge in pull requests from Development
    • Requires 2 code reviews on pull request to merge
    • Requires all Build and Test checks to pass for pull request to merge
  • Development
    • Staged changes that are currently being worked on for the milestone
    • Requires 1 code review on pull request to merge
    • Requires all Build and Test checks to pass for pull request to merge
  • Functional Branches
    • Changes being worked on by a functional team
    • Branch name is the feature being worked on
    • Branch is based off of Development
    • Once feature is complete, pull request is made to merge into Development
    • Requires all Build and Test checks to pass for pull request to merge
  • Other Branches
    • Changes being worked on by an individual
    • Branch name is the name of the person working on the changes, and the name of the changes
    • Once change is complete, pull request is made to merge into branch this branch was based off of
    • Requires all Build and Test checks to pass for pull request to merge


Release builds will be created each milestone from stable master branch changes.