
A dealmaking daemon complimentary to Spade in the Filecoin ecosystem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades ("Ace") is a project complimentary to Spade, a Fil+ dealmaking component in the Filecoin community. Ace of Spades orchestrates automated deal creation through Spade, data download, and deal import to Boost.

Ace of Spades has been built to be stateless. It accomplishes this by dynamically rebuilding its internal state based on the contents of the APIs it pulls and pushes data to (ie. Spade, Aria2c, and Boost). This makes Ace reasonably resilient to failures, allowing for unintentional restarts due to hardware or software failure, or intentional shutdowns such as for maintenance and upgrades. When Spade is started up again, it will pick up from where it last left off. Ace requires no database in order to function and the code is contained in a single Python file.

Ace of Spades requires a minimum of Boost v1.7.x to function.

Installation and Requirements

There are three components that Ace relies upon to function: Boost, Spade, and Aria2c. From the perspective of the operator of Ace, Spade is a service provided to you, Boost is your dealmaking component for your SP that you run, and Aria2c is a new daemon component you will need to run in order to use Ace. All downloading of .CAR files has been offloaded to Aria2c since it is already a robust and performant download manager.

To install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You will also need a copy of fil-spid.bash. Refer to the Spade slack channel and repo for a copy of this.


As stated above, it is the operator's responsibilty to run two components: Aria2c and Ace of Spades. Aria2c manages all downloads while Ace manages the flow


To run this, install aria2c and start it with the JSON-RPC server:

aria2c --enable-rpc

Starting Ace

Example usage:

python3 ace_of_spades.py \
    --miner-id f0123456789 \
    --fil-spid-file-path /path/to/fil-spid.bash \
    --aria2c-download-path /mnt/localssd/incoming/

A token to talk to boost is also required, and can either be specified on the command line with --boost-api-info or using the BOOST_API_INFO environment variable, as is standard in other Filecoin projects. This token should be specified in the standard Boost notation (ie. 'export BOOST_API_INFO=eyJhbG...aCG:/ip4/`). Note that since Boost has two APIs (GraphQL and JSON-RPC), and that only the JSON-RPC endpoint is found in the BOOST_API_INFO environment variable, the GraphQL port must also be specified.

All parameters to Ace can be specified either via command line flag or environment variable. See --help for both CLI flag names and env var names.

usage: ace_of_spades.py [-h] [--miner-id MINER_ID] [--fil-spid-file-path FIL_SPID_FILE_PATH] [--aria2c-url [ARIA2C_URL]] [--aria2c-connections-per-server [ARIA2C_CONNECTIONS_PER_SERVER]] [--aria2c-max-concurrent-downloads [ARIA2C_MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS]] [--aria2c-download-path [ARIA2C_DOWNLOAD_PATH]]
                        [--boost-api-info BOOST_API_INFO] [--boost-graphql-port [BOOST_GRAPHQL_PORT]] [--boost-delete-after-import [BOOST_DELETE_AFTER_IMPORT]] [--spade-deal-timeout [SPADE_DEAL_TIMEOUT]] [--maximum-boost-deals-in-flight [MAXIMUM_BOOST_DEALS_IN_FLIGHT]]
                        [--maximum-snap-sectors-in-flight [MAXIMUM_SNAP_SECTORS_IN_FLIGHT]] [--complete-existing-deals-only [COMPLETE_EXISTING_DEALS_ONLY]] [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--debug [DEBUG]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --miner-id MINER_ID   Storage Provider miner ID (ie. f0123456)
  --fil-spid-file-path FIL_SPID_FILE_PATH
                        Full file path of the `fil-spid.bash` authorization script provided by Spade.
  --aria2c-url [ARIA2C_URL]
                        URL of the aria2c process running in daemon mode (eg. 'http://localhost:6800'). Launch the daemon with `aria2c --enable-rpc`.
  --aria2c-connections-per-server [ARIA2C_CONNECTIONS_PER_SERVER]
                        Configures the '-x' flag in aria2c. (eg. aria2c -x8 <uri>). Default: 10
  --aria2c-max-concurrent-downloads [ARIA2C_MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS]
                        Configures the '-j' flag in aria2c. (eg. aria2c -j10). Default: 10
  --aria2c-download-path [ARIA2C_DOWNLOAD_PATH]
                        The directory into which aria2c should be configured to download files before being imported to Boost. Default: /mnt/data
  --boost-api-info BOOST_API_INFO
                        The Boost api string normally set as the BOOST_API_INFO environment variable (eg. 'eyJhbG...aCG:/ip4/')
  --boost-graphql-port [BOOST_GRAPHQL_PORT]
                        The port number where Boost's graphql is hosted (eg. 8080)
  --boost-delete-after-import [BOOST_DELETE_AFTER_IMPORT]
                        Whether or not to instruct Boost to delete the downloaded data after it is imported. Equivalent of 'boostd --delete-after-import'. Default: True
  --spade-deal-timeout [SPADE_DEAL_TIMEOUT]
                        The time to wait between a deal appearing in Boost and appearing in Spade before considering the deal failed (or not a Spade deal) and ignoring it. Stated in seconds, with no units. Default: 3600
  --maximum-boost-deals-in-flight [MAXIMUM_BOOST_DEALS_IN_FLIGHT]
                        The maximum number of deals in 'Awaiting Offline Data Import' state in Boost UI. Default: 10
  --maximum-snap-sectors-in-flight [MAXIMUM_SNAP_SECTORS_IN_FLIGHT]
                        The maximum number of UpdateReplica and ProveReplicaUpdate tasks being processed by the miner. If above this limit, new Spade deals will not be requested until count is below this number again. Default: 0 (meaning no limit)
  --complete-existing-deals-only [COMPLETE_EXISTING_DEALS_ONLY]
                        Setting this flag will prevent new deals from being requested but allow existing deals to complete. Useful for cleaning out the deals pipeline to debug, or otherwise. Default: False
  --verbose [VERBOSE]   If enabled, logging will be greatly increased. Default: False
  --debug [DEBUG]       If enabled, logging will be thorough, enabling debugging of deep issues. Default: False


Consider this code to be provided without support. Feel free to open tickets, but responses will be best-effort.


MIT license. Feel free to use Ace of Spades however you see fit.


Pull requests are welcome! This is the quickest way to getting features or fixes that you need. When someone opens an issue and provides a PR to fix the issue, you can expect a response.

To enforce code style, a Makefile with black has been provided. Please run make format prior to opening PRs to ensure consistent style.


Like what you see? Buy me lunch! Send donations to f1ykyg3jzptvjbvf4leuy6ya3xdssrc7khpp6b6gq and say hello to me at @Jacob Crowther on Filecoin slack.